Problems to login in the FOP2 web interface

  1. 13 years ago

    Hi all

    Recently I installed Fop2 in a x64 Debian Server to test the software.
    The machine has the Asterisk 1.4.24-RSP version without FreePBX:
    Asterisk 1.4.24-RSP (Community supported branch)

    The output of the test command is normal:

    [root@asterisk1:fop2] /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - No valid license found. Demo Mode
    Connection to manager OK!

    But when I access to the Web interface "" and I put my credentials the web shows the error "Could not connect to server".

    I have a debug output of the actual running config:

    Flash Operator Panel 2 - No valid license found. Demo Mode
    ** MANAGER CONNECTION Connecting to localhost:5038 (Server 0)
    ** MANAGER CONNECTION Connected to localhost:5038 (Server 0)       -> Action: Challenge       -> AuthType: MD5       <- Asterisk Call Manager/1.0       <- Response: Success       <- Challenge: 299959954       <- Server: 0       -> Action: Login       -> Username: adminfop2       -> AuthType: MD5       -> Key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       <- Response: Success       <- Message: Authentication accepted       <- Server: 0

    Can anyone help me?
    Thanks a lot
    Best Regards
    Alex Casanova (EA5HJX)

  2. admin

    8 Sep 2011 Administrator


    Check that fop2 server is running:

    pgrep fop2

    If the above does not return anything, you won't be able to connect.. that can happen if the service is not started, or if you have the old fop(1) binding to port 4445.. that will prevent fop2 from working (service will start, but it will die shortly after). In that case, stop fop1 and then start fop2

    /usr/sbin/amportal stop_fop
    service fop2 start

    To disable fop1 permanently you can edit /etc/amportal.conf and set FOPRUN=false

    Finally, remember that FOP2 uses port TCP/4445 between the web client and server, if that port is filtered/not opened/not redirected, you won't be able to connect. Be sure you have a clear path between your desktop machine and the server port 4445.

    Best regards,

  3. Thanks for answer me
    I don´t use FreePBX and I can see the FOP2 process running.

    Remember that FOP2 uses port TCP/4445 between the web client and server, if that port is filtered/not opened/not redirected, you won't be able to connect. Be sure you have a clear patch between your desktop machine and the server port 4445.

    Maybe this is the problem, between the Asterisk server and the desktop machine there is a Firewall.
    I will take a look the firewall rules to grant the connection between Asterisk server and Desktop Machine.

    Thanks a lot
    Best Regards
    Alex Casanova (EA5HJX)

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