One moment please

  1. 12 years ago


    CentOS 64bit install. Followed to the T, works at some sites not at this... Just stuck on, One moment please with a circle going around... I get nothing in my error_log on httpd.

    If I do a manager connect test it resturns back fine...

    I can telnet to 4445 localy and from a remote site. I have created multiple manager accounts one with directives and one with ALL on

    Please advise what I can check for now? I have started with -X 3, but I don't get anything from this log to help me?

    Thanks all.

  2. admin

    18 Jan 2012 Administrator

    who is listening to port 4445, fop2 or fop1 ?

    netstat -lnp | grep 4445

    If it says perl, it is fop1, you must disable it and start fop2 instead.

    If it says fop2_server, then be sure port 4445 is not blocked firewalled or that is redirected if your box is behind nat, also, on the client side, be sure you do not have any flash blockers, or try with different browsers. The latest Google Chrome only works with fop 2.24 or higher. Other browsers will default to flash xmlsockets and they will work fine with any fop2 version as long as flash is not filtered/blocked (adblock? flashblock?).

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