Chang status of queue members on web

  1. 12 years ago

    We use FOP2 version 2.26 and Asterisk 1.8.11. We have some problems with displaying status of queue members on the web. I change status one of queue members on paused in web. In CLI I can see that command was accepted, and status was changed.

    pbx2k*CLI> queue show
    pbx2k_general_queue has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime, 0s talktime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s
          3011-pbx2k (Local/03011@default/n) (dynamic) (paused) (Unknown) has taken no calls yet
       No Callers

    But this is not displaying on web. Queue member status on web is unpaused. Status on web will be changing on paused after refresh.

  2. admin

    30 Nov 2012 Administrator

    Your extension and member name convention is not compatible with what fop2 expects. What fop2 expects to match a Local queue member with an extension button, is to find a match between extension and queuecontext in the button config, with the Local/extension@context in the queue member string.

    In your case, your queue member is


    Making the extension: 03011 and queue context "default"

    But your button config has:

    extension=3011-pbx2k (it does not match 03011)

    and you are missing a queuecontext

    Unfortunately there is no way to relate an extension button with a queue member if you use that convention. So you won't see the pause icon on the button.

    Best regards,

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