Link to FOP2 from FreePBX when FOP1 was never installed

  1. 11 years ago

    I have seen numerous posts on how to change FreePBX settings so FreePBX links to FOP2 instead of FOP1

    However, I have also seen numersous posts about issues with FOP1 and FreePBX 2.11 (on Asterisk 11 on CentOS 6.4 in my case) so I have a FreePBX 2.11 setup that has never had FOP1 installed.

    I have FOP2 up and working and I licensed the server.
    I have installed the FOP2Admin for FreePBX and it is working from within FreePBX
    I can get the FOP2 panel to display by directly going to /var/www/html/fop2

    My question is:
    Is there a way to have a link from FreePBX (2.11) to the FOP2 panel when I have never installed FOP1?


  2. admin

    17 Jun 2013 Administrator

    Not really. FOP2Admin does not add links to log into fop2, another module should be needed, or maybe I could see if I can update fop2admin to add an extra link somewhere in FreePBX in order to access fop2 itself. In older freepbx versions there was no way to add additional "tabs", only submenus, but that might have changed. I have to investigate.

  3. In older freepbx versions there was no way to add additional "tabs", only submenus, but that might have changed. I have to investigate.

    I'd be happy with an additional menue item (below/above the fop2 admin menue items in Other in FreePBX that would take me to the FOP2 panel


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