Problem to install FOP2 on Elastix

  1. 10 years ago

    Hi guys,
    I think every think is ok, so I don't know who to login to the FOP2 extension and password...!!!???
    Elastix firewall disabled and I Accept pot 4445 in UDP/TCP in iptables
    My server configuration is:

    asterisk manager.conf

    enabled = yes
    port = 5038
    bindaddr =
    displayconnects=no ;only effects 1.6+
    secret = 123456
    read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
    write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate


    ; AMI definitions
    listen_port      = 4445
    ;restrict_host    =
    ;web_dir          = /var/www/html/operator/fop2
    ; Global Config
    poll_interval      = 86400
    poll_voicemail     = 1
    monitor_ipaddress  = 0
    root@pbx:~ $ /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -test
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - No valid license found. Demo Mode
    netstat -lnp |grep 4445
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      5722/fop2_server

    Now in all configuration on my server Ican't login to the FOP2 width
    extention = admin
    passowrd = 123456

    extention = 5001 //Extention ID
    passowrd = 5001 //Extention passowrd

    extention = 5001 //Extention ID
    passowrd = abcd1234 //Extention Voice mail passowrd

    Please advise me to solve this problem
    any help is appreciated

  2. admin

    8 Jul 2014 Administrator

    FOP2 has its own set of extensions/passwords to log (besides all of your servers credentials you posted). If you installed from Elastix marketplace, go to "fop2 users" menu and be sure to add an extension/password, or modify the password for any given extension if already created (by default the voicemail pin is used).

    If you did not install via market, you can install the fop2 manager (available from and you will be able to configure users there.

    Both options asume you did not modify fop2.cfg #exec line at the end to have automatic configuration.

    Best regards,

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