Extentions not displaying correctly

  1. 9 years ago

    I've logged in with full rights (all), but some extentions are displaying in the queues section but not displaying in extentions section.123.JPG

  2. admin

    7 Apr 2015 Administrator

    A queue member can be displayed without having an extension button that reference it. That is not a problem at all. What you see is a result of your configuration. You have to check what is the queue member device with the command: asterisk -rx "queue show" and then you can inspect your fop2 button configuration to see if that device is listed (this part can be done in different ways, depending on how fop2 was configured, if you use the fop2 manager, run /usr/local/fop2/autoconfig-buttons.sh and see if that device appears in between brackets like [SIP/123] or similar.

    Best regards,

  3. There is a problem - user Okladin is a member of queue 1510.
    When I click on 1510 queue on right side of FOP2 screen, there is displayed 4 extentions in the left side of screen (without Okladin) and 5 extentions in right side in queue section. But when I don't select any queue and all queues and extentions are displayed, user Okladin displaying on the left side correctly.
    After run /usr/local/fop2/autoconfig-buttons.sh nothing changed.

  4. BTW user names in left side (extentions sections) and right side (queues section) are different. I've tried to restart fop2 and asterisk, delete and add extention into queue, run autoconfig-buttons.sh - nothing changes.

  5. admin

    9 Apr 2015 Administrator

    The queue extension filter uses names to filter out things, if names are different, or names are similar, the filter might have unexpected results. That is actually by design as there is no real way to map devices/extensions with queue members due to the multiple ways queue members can be setup in an asterisk system.

    Now, if you see queue members with names that are not correct, then check in asterisk itself what names are used:

    asterisk -rx "queue show"

    You should see the very same names you see in FOP2, if anything is wrong in Asterisk, is wrong in Asterisk and not in FOP2.

    There is a known bug in FreePBX that when you rename an extension, the queue member name won't change (will be the old name), so you will have to go to the queue admin in FreePBX, edit that queue and save/apply to get the new names showing. That is NOT a fop2 issue, but a FreePBX bug, fop2 is just making that problem appartent.

    Best regards,

  6. Names in Asterisk are correct. Names in queues is correct. But some names in Extentions list are not correct. Is there any way to refresh extentions names?

  7. admin

    13 Apr 2015 Administrator

    Click the refresh labels action menu in the fop2 manager.

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