Transfer Call is broken for some users

  1. 8 years ago

    I have a problem for some users the Transfer Call functionality seems to be broken.
    If users that have this problem want to transfer a call just nothing happens...
    However it's not broken for everybody.

    I am using Version 2.30.03 with latest Chrome.

    Is there anything I can reset/check? (I did already clear up cache from Chrome and tried unsuccessfully Firefox).

  2. Yeah ok seems like I found the problem. If I call someone from my extension I cannot transfer the call in the end.
    That sounds for me like a bug - could this please be verified? Thanks!

  3. admin

    19 Jan 2016 Administrator

    If you are using the supervised transfer button and you hear DTMF, then you are missing the option t or T from your general dial options in Asterisk. It is not a problem with our software, but lack of configuration parameters on your Asterisk setup.

    The blind transfer does not require the t or T options , so you can try the blind transfer and see if it works.

  4. Nope, none of them are working if I am the person you initiated the call and then want to transfer it.
    If I got called I can easily without issues transfer the call (either blind or supervised or mailbox).

  5. admin

    19 Jan 2016 Administrator

    Then you must start FOP2 in debug mode and inspect the events and responses after you attempt to transfer the call. Check if you see some transfer commands sent from the client side (javascript console) also.

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