Last active 12 years ago
That's fine and good, but I don't see anywhere in this debug how to troubleshoot the manager connection or anything related to the Action Bar.
** COLLECT INCLUDES fop2.cfg , tipo server ** READ SERVER CONFIG ** READ SERVER CONFIG - archivo fop2.cfg ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo btns_jimbo.cfg context JIMBO!buttons ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_jimbo.cfg , tipo JIMBO!buttons ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo btns_test_1.cfg context TEST_1!buttons ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_test_1.cfg , tipo TEST_1!buttons ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo btns_pat.cfg context PAT!buttons ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_pat.cfg , tipo PAT!buttons ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo btns_test_panel.cfg context TEST_PANEL!buttons ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_test_panel.cfg , tipo TEST_PANEL!buttons ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo btns_demo.cfg context DEMO!buttons ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_demo.cfg , tipo DEMO!buttons ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo btns_Jake_Test.cfg context JAKE_TEST!buttons ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_Jake_Test.cfg , tipo JAKE_TEST!buttons ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo btns_training.cfg context TRAINING!buttons ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_training.cfg , tipo TRAINING!buttons ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes btns_jimbo.cfg ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_jimbo.cfg , tipo JIMBO!buttons ** btns_jimbo.cfg already included ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes btns_test_1.cfg ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_test_1.cfg , tipo TEST_1!buttons ** btns_test_1.cfg already included ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes btns_pat.cfg ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_pat.cfg , tipo PAT!buttons ** btns_pat.cfg already included ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes btns_test_panel.cfg ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_test_panel.cfg , tipo TEST_PANEL!buttons ** btns_test_panel.cfg already included ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes btns_demo.cfg ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_demo.cfg , tipo DEMO!buttons ** btns_demo.cfg already included ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes btns_Jake_Test.cfg ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_Jake_Test.cfg , tipo JAKE_TEST!buttons ** btns_Jake_Test.cfg already included ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes btns_training.cfg ** COLLECT INCLUDES btns_training.cfg , tipo TRAINING!buttons ** btns_training.cfg already included ** READ BUTTONS CONFIG btns_jimbo.cfg para contexto JIMBO ** READ BUTTONS CONFIG btns_test_1.cfg para contexto TEST_1 ** READ BUTTONS CONFIG btns_pat.cfg para contexto PAT ** READ BUTTONS CONFIG btns_test_panel.cfg para contexto TEST_PANEL ** READ BUTTONS CONFIG btns_demo.cfg para contexto DEMO ** READ BUTTONS CONFIG btns_Jake_Test.cfg para contexto JAKE_TEST ** READ BUTTONS CONFIG btns_training.cfg para contexto TRAINING ** GENERA CONFIG START ** GENERA CONFIG - GENERAL ** GENERA CONFIG - TRAINING ** GENERA CONFIG - JIMBO ** GENERA CONFIG - PAT ** GENERA CONFIG - DEMO ** GENERA CONFIG - TEST_PANEL ** GENERA CONFIG - TEST_1 ** GENERA CONFIG - JAKE_TEST ** GENERA CONFIG END Can't listen to port 4445
pgrep fop2_server returns a pid, yet the same issue remains. After using the action bar once, the manager connection fails until FOP2 is restarted.
We recently upgraded to FOP 2.26 using Asterisk and the Action Bar on the client now stops responding after one use. After the first AMI command, nothing is sent to the manager on 5038 after the first command. How can we troubleshoot and resolve this ASAP?
In the panels there is options to turn of ringing and sounds. every time you log in you need to set these settings.
Is this standard behavior?
Is there a way to store the settings a user sets for Ringing & Sounds within the panel?