Last active 12 years ago
Hi Nicolas,
No transfers... only simple, normal, calls.
I've been able to reproduce the issue:
Let's suppose that both lines are idle/inactive. Then the user receives a call and he/she takes it...
IF during the call the other line rings and the user finishes his original call while that line is still ringing, the rectangle will stay orange, and it will stay that way until both lines become inactive again. BUT, if i press F5 the screen refreshes/relogins and the rectangle turns green immediately as it supposed to be.
On the other hand, IF the other line is inactive, the rectangle will turn green immediately after the user finishes the call.
Hi Nicolas,
Just downloaded and installed FOP2 on a FreePBX/CentOS box. Everything is ok except one thing:
sometimes the extensions/rectangles remain orange for a random amount of time (15-20-25s) before turning green. The extensions are available but showing orange for a while.
I'm using the default configurations for:
I've also enabled "Call Events --> Yes" in FreePBX.
CentOS release 5.5 (Final) x64
Twinkle 1.4.2 as voip client
tried browsers from IE6.0 to latest Chrome/Chromium/Firefox on both Windows and Linux (Ubuntu 12.04)... no luck
I've seen a similar post but i'm not using queues... only simple ring groups.
As you can see both lines are available but the user is still orange/red...