Last active 5 years ago
I lost my old system and VMware changed the MAC on me. I purchase a new license tonight instead of going through the revoke process with you.
The new system came up with eth1 and not eth0 so every time I type something in I have to add -i eth1, is there a way to fix this?
When i try and restart the service i get this error. What do you think is the problem?
[root@pbx-07 ~]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server restart -i eth1
Flash Operator Panel 2 - White Label Version
unable to initialize libusb: -99
Unrecognized character \x10 at (eval 87) line 1.
Unrecognized character \xE6 at (eval 90) line 1.
We just installed Pause Recording Button plugin for PCI compliance but when you press the button, nothing happens. There does not seem to be a way to be sure the recording is paused. If we check the recording the call recording does seem to be paused.
It would be nice if the button would change or your status changed or you hear a beep to let you know for sure the recording is being paused.
With your help, this is what I did and it works perfect.
$grid->set_condition("context='$context' AND (owner='$extension' OR (owner<>'$extension' AND private='yes'))");
$grid->set_condition("context='$context' AND (owner='$extension')");
Then it make no difference if they choose private or public. No one can see anything but their own extension phone book.
This works as well so that all records will be "yes" by default
A future feature would be great so that each user can decide which extensions can see their visual phone book.
Thanks for the help!!!
Does anyone know of a way to turn off the public option for visual phone book make the phone book private only?