Last active 7 years ago
Yes, the hangup problem are fixed
Also, editing /usr/local/fop2/ is useless. FOP2 Manager can add user
Only need to edit file /usr/local/fop2/buttons_custom.cfg
My solution was easy
First, to add user form my second Asterisk
I edited /usr/local/fop2/
And after : [code]echo "; Users"[/code]
I added line
For adding extension
I edited /usr/local/fop2/buttons_custom.cfg
And added each extension
After these modification, I goes to FOP2 Manager and reload FOP2
extension are now visible in FOP2
Of course, this modification are not dymanic, if I add or remove extension on my second Asterisk I need to adjust file /usr/local/fop2/buttons_custom.cfg
* And extension state on my second Asterisk update correctly in FOP2
Like I say in my other post ( I have copied default config files. This will maybe slove this issue too.
Does it's possible with FOP2 Manager to add extension button from second Asterisk ?
I have removed all config files in /usr/local/fop2/ and copied default files from fop2 tarball
I also put the perl script in "" of the clock plugins (/var/www/html/fop2/admin/plugins/clock/) and use FOP2 Manager to enable clock
Now, it's work !
Thank you
I read file /plugins/README from the tarball
I have create folder /var/www/html/fop2/admin/plugins/myblindvalue
Create file plugin.xml (used one from sample plugin)
Create file and copy your script with remplacing 'sampleplugin' by 'myblindvalue'
Edit /usr/local/fop2/fop2.cfg, and add line
And add to my user
I also add the clock plugin
The clock work but the myblindvalue plugin won't work
I have start FOP2 with all debug (/usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 511 -l /var/log/fop2)
And if I search for "Setvar" in the log file. I only found line for variable PICKUPMARK
Where I put this Perl script ?
Inside new file in directory /usr/local/fop2 ?
Or inside new file in new directory in /var/www/html/fop2/admin/plugins ?
I have try both, nothing seem to work, does I need to do something more to activate the script ?
Thanks you
Does it exist an solution for this ?
When we do an blind transfer from the phone, Asterisk set BLINDTRANSFER variable automaticly.
But when we do an transfer from FOP2 panel, the BLINDTRANSFER variable was not set
From :
I have try to edit
But after modification, FOP2 won't start
From :
But don't seem to have solution ?
Hi ! We got trouble since we have update FOP2 to 2.31.
We had 2.26 before, and FOP2 as working great
Now, extension button from second Asterisk won't hangup.
My first Asterisk is an FreePBX (with Asterisk 11.8.1 with FOP2) (have extension 1xx)
My second Asterisk is an Elastix (with Asterisk (have extension 2xx)
Both Asterisk can communicate between them without trouble
If 119 call 219, FOP2 show both as talking, but if the call end, only 119 return to idle (green color), 219 stay as talking until I restart FOP2
I slove my trouble with this PHP script.
It's not perfect, but work
The script rename channel to have unique channel name
<? // Debug $debug = false; // Asterisk server $asterisk_ip = ""; $asterisk_port = 5038; // Listen IP and port $listen_ip = ''; $listen_port = '5858'; // Start as daemon become_daemon(); // Init some value set_time_limit(0); ob_implicit_flush(); // Replace channel name $rename_chan = array( 'DAHDI/2-1' => 'DAHDM/2-1', 'DAHDI/3-1' => 'DAHDM/3-1', 'DAHDI/4-1' =>'DAHDM/4-1', 'DAHDI/5-1' => 'DAHDM/5-1', 'DAHDI/6-1' => 'DAHDM/6-1', 'DAHDI/7-1' => 'DAHDM/7-1', 'DAHDI/8-1' => 'DAHDM/8-1', 'DAHDI/9-1' => 'DAHDM/9-1', 'DAHDI/10-1' => 'DAHDM/10-1', 'DAHDI/11-1' => 'DAHDM/11-1', 'DAHDI/12-1' => 'DAHDM/12-1', 'DAHDI/13-1' => 'DAHDM/13-1', 'IAX2/' => 'IAX2M/', 'Parkinglot: default' => 'Parkinglot: defaultm', ); // Main loop $infinite_loop = true; if ($debug) { $infinite_loop = false; } do { AddToLog("Main loop start.\n"); // Start listen unset ($socket); unset($conn_client); $socket = stream_socket_server("tcp://" . $listen_port, $errno, $errstr); if (!$socket) { die("Unable to bind socket : $errstr ($errno) \n"); } else { $conn_client = stream_socket_accept($socket); stream_set_blocking($conn_client, 0); } // Connect to Asterisk unset ($conn_asterisk); $conn_asterisk = @fsockopen($asterisk_ip, $asterisk_port, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$conn_asterisk) { die("Unable to connect to Asterisk : $errstr ($errno) \n"); } else { stream_set_blocking($conn_asterisk, 0); } // Start loop $loop = true; do { // Read from Client $from_Client = @fread($conn_client, 2048); if (@feof($conn_client) || (!$conn_client)) { // Client disconnect $loop = false; } elseif ( strlen($from_Client) > 0) { // Send to Asterisk $from_Client = RenameChannel(1,$from_Client); fwrite($conn_asterisk, $from_Client); if ($debug) { echo ">>> (" . strlen($from_Client) . ")" . $from_Client . "\n"; } AddToLog(">>> (" . strlen($from_Client) . ")" . $from_Client . "\n"); } // Read from Asterisk $from_Asterisk = @fread($conn_asterisk, 2048); if (@feof($conn_asterisk) || (!$conn_asterisk)) { // Client disconnect $loop = false; } elseif ( strlen($from_Asterisk) > 0) { // Send to client $from_Asterisk = RenameChannel(0,$from_Asterisk); fwrite($conn_client, $from_Asterisk); if ($debug) { echo "<<< (" . strlen($from_Asterisk) . ")" . $from_Asterisk . "\n"; } AddToLog("<<< (" . strlen($from_Asterisk) . ")" . $from_Asterisk . "\n"); } // Little break usleep(100); } while($loop); // Close everyone // Close Asterisk @fclose($conn_asterisk); unset($conn_asterisk); // Close client @fclose($conn_client); unset ($socket); unset($conn_client); // Big break before restarting usleep(3000); } while($infinite_loop); AddToLog("Bye!\n"); // Rename channel function RenameChannel($direction, $data) { GLOBAL $rename_chan; $r = $data; foreach ($rename_chan as $key => $value) { if ($direction == 0) { $r = str_ireplace($key, $value, $r); } else { $r = str_ireplace($value, $key, $r); } } return $r; } // Add to log function AddToLog($data) { GLOBAL $debug; if ($debug) { $i = file_put_contents( "/tmp/php_relay.log", $data, FILE_APPEND); } } // Daemon function become_daemon() { $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { /* fork failed */ echo "fork failure!\n"; exit(); }elseif ($pid) { /* close the parent */ exit(); } else { /* child becomes our daemon */ posix_setsid(); chdir('/'); umask(0); return posix_getpid(); } } ?>
multi-tenant + trunk = not possible
if DAHDI card are the same in both server