

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Mon Feb 1 23:24:44 2016
    raheelb started the conversation One or the Other - FOP2 or Elastix GUI.

    I am having an issue with the manager passwords, I can have either FOP2 working and the Extensions display goes blank or I can fix the extensions to display in Elastix (2.5) and FOP2 quits working. (bad auth)

    Note the 2 commented lines in manager.conf (--->>>>) below, changing the admin secret under [admin] section to password1 makes the FOP2 work, but extensions display in elastix goes blank, (see attached image),

    If I change the password to password2, the extensions inside Elastix start to display correctly but FOP2 quit working..

    "Failed to connect to asterisk - localhost:5038
    Error Message: Login Failed to Asterisk (bad auth) at localhost:5038. Check your manager credentials!"


    ; AMI definitions


    enabled = yes
    port = 5038
    bindaddr =
    displayconnects=no ;only effects 1.6+

    ; --->>> CHANGE THIS [admin] secret TO password2 to GET the Extensions to display in elastix working <<---
    ; --->>> CHANGE THIS [admin] secret TO password1 to GET the FOP2 working display working <<--

    secret = password1
    read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
    write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,command,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate
    writetimeout = 5000

    #include manager_additional.conf
    #include manager_custom.conf

    secret = password1
    read = all
    write = all
    writetimeout = 1000
    eventfilter=!Event: RTCP*
    eventfilter=!Event: VarSet
    eventfilter=!Event: Cdr
    eventfilter=!Event: DTMF
    eventfilter=!Event: AGIExec
    eventfilter=!Event: ExtensionStatus
    eventfilter=!Event: ChannelUpdate
    eventfilter=!Event: ChallengeSent
    eventfilter=!Event: SuccessfulAuth

    #include manager_additional.conf
    #include manager_custom.conf

  2. Tue Jan 12 06:46:27 2016
    raheelb joined the forum.