

Last active 13 years ago

  1. 13 years ago
    Tue Dec 14 23:27:43 2010
    Karesz started the conversation Immediate dial function.

    I'd love to have a modified dial function. Today when a phonebook entry is selected and we hit dial, the own extension rings first, we need to pick it up, and THEN the B party is dialled.

    Could I get a tweaking of this (selected by an optional parameter)?
    By hitting the dial button, my own extension is rather bridged immediately (independent of its hook state) and the B party is dialled right away. The reason is that ringing my own extension disturbs the people around and I am picking my phone up anyway with one hand while clicking the dial button with the other.

    If you could give me a hint where the "dial function" asterisk macros are, I may be able to check it and try to modify it to my needs.

  2. Tue Dec 14 23:16:48 2010
    Karesz started the conversation Import Outlook contacts to phoonbook.

    I needed to import the outlook contacts list. The built in import was not good enough for me, so I wrote a php script that does the job. In case others are also interested, I can share it or I can provide it to Nicolas and it may be included in a future release.

  3. 14 years ago
    Thu Nov 18 00:09:07 2010
    Karesz posted in Translation Source.

    Hungarian translations:
    (hoping to get some extra attention with my feature requests :P)

    var lang = new Object();
    lang['incoming_call']      = 'Bejövő hívás';
    lang['connecting_server']  = 'Kapcsolódás a szerverhez, próbálkozás sorszáma: ';
    lang['from_queue']         = "Várakozólistából:";
    lang['number']             = "Telefonszám:";
    lang['name']               = "Név:";
    lang['dial']               = 'Tárcsázz';
    lang['transfer_vmail']     = 'Hangpostára';
    lang['attendant_transfer'] = 'Operátorhoz';
    lang['spy']                = 'Belehallgat';
    lang['whisper']            = 'Belehallgat és belesuttog';
    lang['pickup']             = "Hívásátvétel";
    lang['hangup']             = 'Letesz';
    lang['filter']             = 'Szűr';
    lang['enter_sec_code']     = 'Bejelentkezés';
    lang['exten']              = 'Mellék:';
    lang['password']           = 'Jelszó:';
    lang['confirm_hangup']     = 'Tényleg megszakít?';
    lang['areyousure']         = 'Biztos?';
    lang['yes']                = 'Igen';
    lang['no']                 = 'Nem';
    lang['paused']             = 'Szüneteltetve';
    lang['set_information']    = 'Adatbeállítás';
    lang['member_of']          = 'Ennek a csoportnak tagja: ';
    lang['not_available']      = 'A rendszer pillanatnyilag nem elérhető';
    lang['not_connect']        = 'Nem lehet a szerverhez kapcsolódni';
    lang['one_moment']         = 'Kérlek várj';
    lang['no_results']         = 'Nincs találat';
    lang['toggle_lock']        = 'Konferencia lezárás/kinyitás';
    lang['toggle_muteall']     = 'Összes felhasználó némítás ki/be';
    lang['available']          = 'Elérhető';
    lang['phonebook']          = 'Telefonkönyv';
    lang['toggle_mute']        = 'Némítás ki/be';
    lang['kick']               = 'Felhasználó kirúgása';
    lang['record']             = 'Hívásrögzítés';
    lang['presence_noti']      = 'Jelenlét értesítés';
    lang['queues']             = 'Várakozósor';
    lang['extensions']         = 'Mellékek';
    lang['trunks']             = 'Fővonalak';
    lang['conferences']        = 'Konferenciák';
    lang['other']              = 'Egyéb';
    lang['enter_state']        = 'Érték megadás';
    lang['parkingslots']       = 'Parkolóhelyek';
    lang['enter_reg_code']     = 'Írd be a regisztrációs kódot:';
    lang['reg_code']           = 'Regisztrációs kód:';
    lang['reg_name']           = 'Regisztráció név:';
    lang['remove_member']      = 'Tag eltávolítása';
    lang['remove_member_from'] = 'Eltávolítás innen: ';
    lang['pause_member']       = 'Tag szüneteltetése';
    lang['unpause_member']     = 'Tag szüneteltetés vége';
    lang['add_member']         = 'Tag hozzáadása ide: ';
    lang['pickup_call']        = 'Hívásátvétel';
    lang['email_user']         = 'E-mail küldés';
    lang['chat']               = 'Csevegés';
    lang['notlogged']          = 'Felhasználó nincs bejelentkezve. Feljegyzés készítése.';
    lang['me']                 = 'Én';
    lang['clearchat']          = 'Csevegésablak ürítése';
    lang['note']               = 'Feljegyzés';
    lang['toggle_sound']       = 'Hang ki/be';
    lang['says']               = 'azt mondja, hogy';
    lang['agents']             = 'Ügynök:';
    lang['calls']              = 'Várakozó hívások:';
    lang['call_connected']     = 'Hívás csatlakoztatva ide:';
    lang['changeDisplayType']  = 'Kijelzőtípus változtatása';
    lang['voicemail']          = 'Hangposta';
    lang['vmail_new']          = 'Új';
    lang['vmail_old']          = 'Régi';
    lang['vmail_work']         = 'Munkahelyi';
    lang['vmail_family']       = 'Családi';
    lang['vmail_friends']      = 'Barátok';
    lang['vmail_number']       = 'Hívószám';
    lang['vmail_date']         = 'Dátum';
    lang['vmail_callerid']     = 'Hívásazonosító';
    lang['vmail_duration']     = 'Eltelt idő';
    lang['preferences']        = 'Beállítások';
    lang['summary']            = 'Összegzés';
    lang['detailed']           = 'Részletes';
    lang['inactive_line']      = 'A %d. vonal nem aktív';
    lang['inuse']              = '%d vonal van használatban';
    lang['vmail_count']        = 'Üzenetek: új %d, régi %d';
    lang['logout']             = 'Kijelentkezés'
    lang['prefSounds']         = 'Hangok';
    lang['prefDisplay']        = 'Kijelző';
    lang['labelSoundChat']     = 'Csevegés hangok';
    lang['labelSoundQueue']    = 'Várakozólista hangok';
    lang['labelSoundRing']     = 'Csörgés hangok';
    lang['labelDisplayQueue']          = 'Alap várakozólista-nézet:';
    lang['labelDisplayDynamicLine']    = 'Dinamikus vonalkijelzés:';
    lang['labelDisplayNotifyDuration'] = 'Eltelt idő értesítés:';
    // Internationalization strings DATE
    dateFormat.i18n = {
        dayNames: [
            "V", "H", "K", "Sze", "Cs", "P", "Szo",
            "Vasárnap", "Hétfő", "Kedd", "Szerda", "Csütörtök", "Péntek", "Szombat"
        monthNames: [
            "Jan", "Feb", "Már", "Ápr", "Máj", "Jún", "Júl", "Aug", "Szep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec",
            "Január", "Február", "Március", "Április", "Május", "Június", "Július", "Augusztus", "Szeptember", "Október", "November", "December"
  4. Tue Nov 16 12:40:53 2010
    Karesz started the conversation Wider dial suggessions.

    The dial filed is great. When typing the name, a list of matching phone entries are displayed.
    Unfortunately, names together with company are sometimes quite long and the number cannot be seen. It is especially bad when a contact has more numbers and I cannot see which one I should select.
    I would like the possibility to widen this box.
    Technical proposal:
    The SELECT tag had the "autosuggest" style class. This class can be adjusted in the operator.css. The problem is that the flash(?) writes this SELECT tag and it puts a fixed width style element in the tag options. This 264px overrides any width settings in the class definition in operator.css.
    Could you remove the width setting from the flash and place a default width in the style sheet which may be adjusted by us?
    Is there an immediate solution, like can I overwrite this 264px somewhere?

  5. Sat Nov 6 13:03:57 2010
    Karesz started the conversation Detailed contact data in the phonebook dial field.

    Could we hope that the fancy speech bulb appears under the dial field of the phonebook? With easy-to-read data.
    The idea came from the picture of the User manual -> Anatomy of the toolbar -> Phonebook search
    Currently longer names + company + international number do not fit in the dial field and if a contact has more numbers, difficult to figure out which one I am dialling.

  6. Thu Nov 4 13:01:15 2010
    Karesz posted in End of call notification.

    Yep, the monitor is connected to the server, i.e. the client screen is the same as the server screen.
    I found this perl module and the hangup ami command part, thanks.
    Could you also tell me what ami command is sent on call initiation?

  7. Mon Nov 1 23:42:06 2010
    Karesz posted in End of call notification.

    Could you please give me some hints where these server side hooks are?
    I am, too, thinking about launching a perl script on start and at the end of call activities. E.g. I want to wake up the screen from screensaver on call start or incoming call and keep it on until the call progresses, then only allow screensaver activate after the hangup.
    So, where can I connect/call my perl scripts on the server?
    Many thanks.

  8. Wed Oct 27 23:27:03 2010
    Karesz posted in Autologin.

    Yeah, I need to read the documentation first. Sorry.
    Anyway I assured you that your current developments do satisfy the user's needs :P

  9. Tue Oct 26 04:15:55 2010

    Thanks for the prompt answer. I tried the download link (even with .sh instead of .txt) but it does not seem to exist.

  10. Sun Oct 17 05:44:58 2010
    Karesz started the conversation Autologin.

    Is there any chance to get automatically logged in on FOP2 client startup with something like this?
    I know it screws up all the security, but in my closed and local system it is allowed and comfort is over all security.

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