Last active 13 years ago
Thanks for your post.. This helped me solve my incoming from SPA-3000 on FOP.
My incoming trunk User Context is 289-8834-IN but in the CLI command showed
Channel Location State Application(Data)
SIP/115-08c07a58 1105@from-internal:1 Ringing AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/114-08d4acc8 1105@from-internal:1 Ringing AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/8834-b7544270 s@macro-dial:7 Ring Dial(SIP/114&SIP/115,25,trM(au
So i changed in the Panel conf file the from [SIP/289-8834-IN] to the Username of the PTSN line. In mine it is 8834.
It now shows incoming calls on FOP