

Last active 14 years ago

  1. 14 years ago
    Tue Jun 29 07:27:31 2010
    yold posted in Bug on QueueRemove.

    It's working fine !
    Thanks for all, we'll buy soon your product :-)

  2. Mon Jun 28 10:51:26 2010
    yold started the conversation Bug on QueueRemove.


    On Asterisk, we have declared queue as : [myqueue] (in lowercase)
    In buttons.cfg, this queue is declared as : [QUEUE/myqueue]

    Adding an extension (ex: SIP/200) to this queue is working fine but when we want to remove this extension from the right queue panel, we've got an error.
    Here is the debug :
    <= <msg data="QUEUE/MYQUEUE|queuelogout|SIP/200|.......>

    As you can see, MYQUEUE is in UPPERCASE so asterisk can't find this queue:
    (Message: Unable to remove interface from queue: No such queue)

    If we remove SIP/200 not from the right queue panel but directly from the SIP/200 button, this is working fine. myqueue is written in lowercase:
    <= <msg data="myqueue|queuelogout|1|.....


  3. 15 years ago
    Wed Aug 26 08:56:01 2009
    yold started the conversation http://www.asternic.org/trac/ticket/21.

    I post a bug at [url:1c9x2wwo]http://www.asternic.org/trac/ticket/21[/url:1c9x2wwo] but no response.
    Is FOP1 maintened ?
    Also, there's no changelog for version 0.30

  4. Thu Jul 2 14:10:17 2009
    yold started the conversation QueueAddMember.


    We are using fop1 in a businness environment and a fontionality in fop2 is missing :
    => drag&drop a SIP button into a queue (QueueAdd or QueueRemove fontionality)
    Is this fonctionality is planned into fop2 ?
