

Last active 13 years ago

  1. 13 years ago
    Wed May 18 20:11:52 2011
    squeezixmud started the conversation reorganzing buttons.


    I would like to make changes to the way buttons are displayed. I need to list my trunks in a different order than the default and I would like to change the size of trunk boxes to match the extension boxes. My extension boxes are just a single line that expand when a call is made or comes into the4 extension. I would also like to rearange the trunks to fit on one page without scrolling if possible. And finally, I would like the park button to show all parking slots even when not busy.
    I really like fop2 and am spending a lot of time adjusting and experimenting with the program.

  2. Wed May 18 18:36:32 2011
    squeezixmud started the conversation rearranging and modifying buttons.

    Hello, all,

    Can the buttons be resized, rearranged and re-organized? I would like to have all buttons the same size. I have the extension buttons down to one line, they will expand when a call comes in and that is fine. I would like to have the trunk buttons also be one line and expand to show a call being placed on the trunk.
    The trunks seem top be in a random order. Can I have them display SIP/1,SIP/2, IAX/1,IAX/2 and so on?
    How do I configure the Park button to show all parking slots?
    The question is what files control the display of buttons and what files control the parameters of the buttons?
    Thanks for this really great program. It is very flexible and provides a much needed view of the phone system.