Last active 12 years ago
I gave up trying to get this working, but I am upgrading to the new version and thought I'd try again.
Does the AMI manager user and secret need to be the same on the external server for it to work? In other words, how does it query the external server for status?
But I don't have any groups for users . . . that's what I keep saying.
Really! I have never defined a group for users. It's just the default settings. I can't figure out how to post a screenshot of my freepbx fop2 admin screen shot where it shows no groups are configured . . . but I have one to prove it if you want :D
It says there is no buttons_custom.cfg
But there is - here's the directory listing. I must be missing something simple.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 91 Aug 25 01:07 buttons_custom.cfgroot@pbx:/usr/local/fop2 $
OK I found if I changed the script to use the full path /usr/local/fop2/buttons_custom.cfg, the autoconfig freepbx script will now call the file correctly.
Except it still doesn't show up in the panel.
What's my next step?
It says there is no buttons_custom.cfg
But there is - here's the directory listing. I must be missing something simple.
root@pbx:/usr/local/fop2 $
You misunderstood what I was saying - the contents of the custom file are not included; I ran the debug as you requested and it did not show the extension in the buttons_custom.cfg file.
What I was saying is that the script definitely contains the code to call it (ie I have the current version), and the file definately exists, but the button does not appear.
How do I debug why buttons_custom.cfg file can't be loaded?
Problem with buttons_custom.cfg is that if you define groups for users, they won't show up as they will not appear in the group definitions.
To see if the file is being incuded or not, just run
and eximine the output, does it show?
I don't have any groups for users at all, so that's not an issue.
It's not being included. Yet, here's the last few lines of the script.
if [ -f buttons_custom.cfg ]; then
cat buttons_custom.cfg
And the /usr/local/fop2 folder I have it stored in ls - output
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 91 Aug 25 01:07 buttons_custom.cfg
It was running.
The permissions change worked . . .
New question
in buttons_custom.cfg I have
(where XXXX is an extension number)
But this extension does not show up in the FOP2 panel. Did I miss a step?
buttons_custom.cfg needs to have asterisk:asterisk permissions it looks like.
OK the upgrade to the Freepbx module has taken away those errors and I now get a connection to manager OK response.
However, I cannot access the FOP2 panel. It hangs the "connecting to server attempt number 1" screen.
I have done an amportal restart. Is there anything else I can look for?