Last active 9 years ago
The member are not static on the queue, they are login dynamically so every time the agent logs to the queue he will logout later.
Any solution is this case
Thank you
Sometimes the system is displaying the agent name wrongly on a particular extension (3311 in this case), where the current agent name on the extension is (Nora) and the system is showing the old name of the resigned agent (Abeer).
we have changed this from the fop2 admin under buttons but we are still facing the issue
Thank you.
Here is the Arabic translate for FOP2
var lang = new Object(); lang['incoming_call'] = 'اتصال وارد'; lang['connecting_server'] = 'الاتصال بالمقدم, محاولة رقم '; lang['from_queue'] = "مصدر المكالمة :"; lang['number'] = "الرقم :"; lang['name'] = "الاسم :"; lang['dial'] = 'اتصال'; lang['transfer_vmail'] = 'تحويل إلى البريد الصوتي'; lang['attendant_transfer'] = 'تحويل'; lang['spy'] = 'سماع'; lang['whisper'] = 'سماع و مداخلة'; lang['pickup'] = "سحب المكالمة"; lang['hangup'] = 'فصل'; lang['filter'] = 'تصنيف'; lang['enter_sec_code'] = 'تفاصيل الدخول'; lang['exten'] = 'التحويلة :'; lang['password'] = 'كلمة المرور :'; lang['confirm_hangup'] = 'تأكيد الفصل'; lang['areyousure'] = 'هل أنت متاكد ؟'; lang['yes'] = 'نعم'; lang['no'] = 'لا'; lang['paused'] = 'توقيف'; lang['set_information'] = 'مجموعة المعلومات'; lang['member_of'] = 'عضو في '; lang['not_available'] = 'النظام غير متاح في الوقت الحالي'; lang['not_connect'] = 'لا يمكن الاتصال بالمخدم في الوقت الحالي'; lang['one_moment'] = 'لحظة من فضلك'; lang['no_results'] = 'لم يتم العثور على أي نتائج'; lang['toggle_lock'] = 'اغلاق/فتح المحاثة الجماعية'; lang['toggle_muteall'] = 'تعطيل/تفعيل المايكروفون لجميع المستخدمين '; lang['available'] = 'جاهز'; lang['phonebook'] = 'دفتر العناوين'; lang['toggle_mute'] = 'تبديل الكتم'; lang['kick'] = 'طرد المستخدم'; lang['record'] = 'تسجيل المكالمة'; lang['presence_noti'] = 'وجود إعلام'; lang['queues'] = 'المصفوفات'; lang['extensions'] = 'التحويلات'; lang['trunks'] = 'الخطوط الخارجية'; lang['conferences'] = 'المحادثات الجماعية'; lang['other'] = 'أخرى'; lang['enter_state'] = 'أدخل القيمة'; lang['parkingslots'] = 'Park Slots'; lang['enter_reg_code'] = 'أدخل رمز التفعيل'; lang['reg_code'] = 'رمز التفعيل :'; lang['reg_name'] = 'اسم التفعيل :'; lang['remove_member'] = 'حذف العميل'; lang['remove_member_from'] = 'حذف من '; lang['pause_member'] = 'ايقاف العميل'; lang['unpause_member'] = 'تشغيل العميل'; lang['add_member'] = 'اضافة إلى '; lang['pickup_call'] = 'سحب المكالمة'; lang['email_user'] = 'ارسال بريد الكتروني'; lang['chat'] = 'محادثة كتابية'; lang['notlogged'] = 'المستخدم غير موجود. حفظ كملاحظة'; lang['me'] = 'Me'; lang['clearchat'] = 'مسح المحادثة'; lang['note'] = 'ملاحظة'; lang['toggle_sound'] = 'كتم الصوت'; lang['says'] = 'يقول'; lang['agents'] = 'العملاء :'; lang['calls'] = 'المكالمات قيد الانتظار'; lang['call_connected'] = 'يتحدت إلى'; lang['changeDisplayType'] = 'تغير طريقة العرض'; lang['voicemail'] = 'البريد الصوتي'; lang['vmail_new'] = 'جديد'; lang['vmail_old'] = 'قديم'; lang['vmail_work'] = 'العمل'; lang['vmail_family'] = 'العائلة'; lang['vmail_friends'] = 'الأصدقاء'; lang['vmail_number'] = 'الرقم'; lang['vmail_date'] = 'التاريخ'; lang['vmail_callerid'] = 'رقم المتصل'; lang['vmail_duration'] = 'مدة المكالمة'; lang['preferences'] = 'الإعدادات'; lang['summary'] = 'ملخص'; lang['detailed'] = 'تفصيلي'; lang['inactive_line'] = 'غير مستخدم %d الخط'; lang['inuse'] = '%d الخط مستخدم'; lang['vmail_count'] = 'جديد %d, قديم %d'; lang['logout'] = 'خروج' lang['prefSounds'] = 'الأصوات'; lang['prefDisplay'] = 'العرض'; lang['labelSoundChat'] = 'صوت المحادثة الكتابية'; lang['labelSoundQueue'] = 'صوت المكالمات قيد الانتظار'; lang['labelSoundRing'] = 'صوت رنين الهاتف '; lang['labelDisplayQueue'] = 'عرض المصفوفة الإفتراضي'; lang['labelDisplayDynamicLine'] = 'عرض الخط المتحرك'; lang['labelDisplayNotifyDuration'] = 'منبه مدة الكالمة'; // Internationalization strings DATE dateFormat.i18n = { dayNames: [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ], monthNames: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] };
Hi Nicolas,
Well, I have a feature in mind and I think it will be an advantage if you add to FOP2:
If we can assign agents to queues from the admin module, where the administrator can assign the agent to one or multiple Queues, and also giving the feature of putting a penalty for each queue the agent will be assigned for. and this can be placed on fop2 buttons tab, or under FOP2 users tab or even it would be create if we add another tab under the name Manage agent & queues or Queue Mapping.
Then after that, when the Agent/User login to FOP2 he will be added to the assigned queues with the selected penalty.
I think if we have such feature in FOP2 it will give an added value for FOP2 and all users who used or will use FOP2.
Good Luck.