

Last active 10 years ago

  1. 12 years ago
    Mon Oct 8 18:00:21 2012

    I need your help I need to migrate from my old trixbox server to my new elastix server and need to move my license as you know I have been including your FOP2 and Asterni Report with new installation. So I have been buying them from you. I have so many licenses I do not know which one is actually mine.

    When I use the revoke command it asks for my license. Can you please help me revoke the old server license and install it on the new one.

  2. Fri Oct 5 16:28:00 2012
    jrecho started the conversation FreePBX won't reload error.

    exit: 255
    found language dir en_UK for broadcast, not installed on system, skipping
    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function queues_list() in /var/www/html/admin/modules/fop2admin/functions.inc.php on line 1320
    1 error(s) occurred, you should view the notification log on the dashboard or main screen to check for more details.

  3. Tue May 15 21:31:55 2012

    AS i said the service works fine for a while then we no longer can login to FOP2. When we try to restart the service it tell sme that the port is already in use when i try to stop the service it won't stop. I did try you on chat but you were off line before will try you tomorow

  4. Tue May 15 20:56:35 2012

    I did that and I gave thou the error I got

  5. Tue May 15 17:01:59 2012

    it won't let me stop it but I did set it to sales
    [trixbox1.localdomain fop2]# netstat -lnp | grep 444
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 32230/perl
    [trixbox1.localdomain fop2]# service fop2 stop
    Shutting down Flash Operator Panel 2: [FAILED]
    [trixbox1.localdomain fop2]#

  6. Tue May 15 13:09:56 2012

    I have been using this for years they are not set to the same port and when it crashes it does not allow
    Us to login yet it is already running I wi remove foo1 but that was set to a different port many years
    Ago when we bought fip2. You also seem to have new version should we aprudade

    Thanks for the help

  7. Tue May 15 12:24:05 2012

    fop2_server version 2.25

    Flash Operator Panel 2 - White Label Version.

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES fop2.cfg , tipo server

    • * READ SERVER CONFIG - archivo fop2.cfg
    • * READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo buttons_as2.cfg context AS2!buttons

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES buttons_as2.cfg , tipo AS2!buttons

    ** /usr/local/fop2/buttons_as2.cfg not readable... skipping

    ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo rabat.cfg context RABAT!buttons

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES rabat.cfg , tipo RABAT!buttons

    ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo santexia.cfg context SANTEXIA!buttons

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES santexia.cfg , tipo SANTEXIA!buttons

    ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo buttons_santexia.cfg context CASA!buttons

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES buttons_santexia.cfg , tipo CASA!buttons

    ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo buttons.cfg context GENERAL!buttons

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES buttons.cfg , tipo GENERAL!buttons

    ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes rabat.cfg

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES rabat.cfg , tipo RABAT!buttons

    ** rabat.cfg already included

    ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes santexia.cfg

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES santexia.cfg , tipo SANTEXIA!buttons

    ** santexia.cfg already included

    ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes buttons_santexia.cfg

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES buttons_santexia.cfg , tipo CASA!buttons

    ** buttons_santexia.cfg already included

    ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes buttons.cfg

    ** COLLECT INCLUDES buttons.cfg , tipo GENERAL!buttons

    ** buttons.cfg already included

    • * READ BUTTONS CONFIG rabat.cfg para contexto RABAT
    • * READ BUTTONS CONFIG santexia.cfg para contexto SANTEXIA
    • * READ BUTTONS CONFIG buttons_santexia.cfg para contexto CASA
    • * READ BUTTONS CONFIG buttons.cfg para contexto GENERAL

    Can't listen to port 4445

  8. Tue May 15 11:39:48 2012
    jrecho started the conversation Service stops for no reason (fixed).

    I have had FOP2 working with my Trixbox for a while now and about a week ago we find that the service will stop and not work at all. After reboot it works for a little while then it stops again.

    Can any one shade some light on this please

  9. Tue Apr 10 17:31:58 2012
    jrecho started the conversation Groups not working In Elastixs.

    I have a buch of Extension and I have created a Group in FreePBX called Test in which I have 10 Extension When I go to the FOp2 Button and click refresh and save the group is empty and I can not edit it.

  10. Mon Feb 27 13:40:16 2012
    jrecho posted in Can not Disconnect from FOP.

    I am getting very fustrated in my Trixbox not Elastix server when I click phone book or recordings pop up
    I get

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