Last active 5 years ago
I know that the conference action button is essentially the same as chanspy and comes with certain limitations, but from a user perspective, who is thinking that he is actually invoking a conference, similar to a conference button on a phone, there are a few things that are somewhat inconvenient or confusing to him, and maybe there are ways to improve that.
-When barging into an active call using the conf action button, I am dropped from the call when one of the other parties hangs up. Quite often in a 3 way conference, one party drops out and the other two want to continue for a bit.
Same when inviting someone into a conference, when I hang up (or the party I was initially talking to), all the other parties drop out too. However they might want to continue the conversation.
This is understandable from a chanspy perspective, but the users will be confused as this usually doesn't happen during ordinary conferences.
-When inviting a party via conf action button, there is now way to undo the invite via hangup action button. The party will continue to ring until voice mail picks up or similar, but I have no way of hanging up that channel unless I hang up the call I am on entirely. Also on FOP2, there is no indication that the invited party is ringing (flashing handset on called party).
Turning off "Talking To" popups doesn't work, I set "notify_on_connect = 0" in fop2.cfg, but no effect.
I also would like to turn off fop2 ringing popups "notify_on_ringing = 0", but this also turns off browser notification popups on incoming calls, which I would like to keep.
Is there a way to keep browser notification popups, but not fop2 popups?
What is the correct way of turning off "talking to" popups (both browser and fop2 if possible)?
This is my /var/www/html/fop2/admin/plugins/conferencebutton/ now.
Auto answer doesn't work.
$Client_Post_Command_Handler{'conferencebutton'}{'customconference'} = sub {
my @allreturn = ();
my $origen = shift;
my $destino = shift;
my $contexto = shift;
my $socket = shift;
my $mychannel = main::get_btn_config( "$contexto", $origen, 'MAINCHANNEL');
my $extension_to_dial = $destino;
if ( !main::hasPermChannel( $socket, "dial", $mychannel ) && !main::hasPerm( $socket, "all" ) ) {
# No 'dial' permission, abort action
print "No permissions for conference\n";
return @allreturn;
my @orivariables;
my $autoanswer = main::get_btn_config( "$contexto", $origen, 'AUTOANSWER');
my $autoanswer_header = main::get_btn_config( "$contexto", $origen, 'AUTOANSWERHEADER');
my $originate_variable = main::get_btn_config( "$contexto", $origen, 'ORIGINATEVARIABLES');
if ( $autoanswer_header ne "" && $autoanswer == 1) {
push @orivariables, $autoanswer_header;
if ( $originate_variable ne "" ) {
push @orivariables, $originate_variable;
my $orivariable = join( ',', @orivariables );
my $return = "Action: Originate\r\n";
$return .= "Channel: Local/$extension_to_dial\@from-internal\r\n";
$return .= "Application: ChanSpy\r\n";
$return .= "Data: $mychannel,BEq\r\n";
$return .= "Variable: $orivariable\r\n";
$return .= "\r\n";
push @allreturn, $return;
return @allreturn;
$Client_Pre_Command_Handler{'conferencebutton'}{'ping'} = sub {
print "pong pong conferencebutton!\n";
$AMI_Event_Handler{'conferencebutton'}{'QUEUEMEMBER'} = sub {
my $event = shift;
#my @keys = keys %$event;
#foreach my $key (@keys) {
# print "$key = ".${$event}{$key}."\n";
#print "\n";
I am running FOP2 lite on a test server to test upgrades before I upgrade my licensed production servers.
Just tried upgrading to 2.31 and I got this:
You must purchase the annual maintenance fee in order to upgrade your
version ( ).
Or you can keep running the version you have installed now.
Upgrade Aborted. License reactivation failed.
Do I need to purchase annual maintenance on FOP2 lite as well?
Is this something you could add in a future release?
Auto Answer already works on listen and listen/whisper, and I believe the conference action button is the same as listen/whisper, isn't it?
Thank you for considering this.
When editing a user in manager, under 3. Groups, I would like to be able to select park slot buttons to be displayed on fop2, but not conferences. Right now parking slots are only displayed when selecting "All Buttons", which also displays other unwanted buttons for that user.
So I suggest you add the ability to select/deselect parking slots under user edit.
On FOP2 I have two groups of extensions with a different name.
What happens quite often is that when I apply a filter on fop2 and undo the filter, the groups on my screen switch positions.
When DND has been activated via feature code from my phone and deactivated from FOP2 the CLI's output for devstate list is Name: 'Custom:DND5314' State: 'NOT_INUSE' and --- Name: 'Custom:DEVDND5314' State: 'NOT_INUSE'. So looks like DND is turned off.
However it's not entirely.
Below are two outputs of the Asterisk CLI for two calls. Call 1 with DND activated via feature code from the phone and not deactivated from FOP2.
Call 2 is where DND was activated via feature code from the phone^and deactivated from FOP2.
The call still fails.
The CLI output is different.
Call 2 receives a SIP response 480 "Temporarily not available" and congestion/unavailable, whereas call 1 a busy.
Sorry for the lengthy post.
Call 2:
== Using SIP VIDEO TOS bits 136
== Using SIP VIDEO CoS mark 6
== Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
== Spawn extension (from-internal, 5314, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5314-00001123'
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
Call 1:
== Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5314-00001125' in macro 'hangupcall'
== Spawn extension (from-internal, *78, 14) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5314-00001125'
== Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5314-00001125' in macro 'hangupcall'
== Spawn extension (from-internal, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5314-00001125'
== Using SIP VIDEO TOS bits 136
== Using SIP VIDEO CoS mark 6
== Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
When I set DND active on my phone, the DSS key lights up and "database show DND" says DND active for that extension. I deactivate DND from FOP2, "database show DND" says DND is not active, however my phone doesn't ring but acts like being in a DND active state, the DSS key stays lit too.
I need to deactivate from the phone itself unfortunately.
I have the Presence Box DND Integration plugin installed.
I have a button on my phone programmed to send DND activate/deactivate feature code (FreePBX).
When a user presses that button, it lights up and FOP2 shows that DND is active for that user.
Deactivating DND for that user (toggle presence state from dnd to available) from FOP2 doesn't work though. The presence state seemingly changes according to FOP2 (color changes), but it is of no effect. The button on the phone stays lit.
The call does not ring the phone until I deactivate DND from the phone itself (DND deactivate feature code).