Last active 13 years ago
What is the status of this? I'm having this problem too. It's basically a deal breaker if I can't get this working.
Is the beta stable enough? I'm not looking for half baked solutions.
You are being condesending the way you say it. Like I am dumb for not understanding your instructions. I work with Linux all day every day and when I have problems I know there are many people who are having an even harder time with it. Rather than saying that perhaps, just maybe you could admit the instructions could be improved.
As I said, by ignoring the phonebook stuff it simplified the install and made things less confusing. By trying to shoe horn in this visual phonebook of yours (I'm assuming you realize FreePBX already has 2 or 3 different phonebook modules) you are confusing things. It wouldn't hurt to make a little MySQL config script for that phonebook application but that is neither here nor there.
Lastly, this cannot be fully integrated into FreePBX because the status page still shows FOP1 even with the apache alias. If I disable the FOP1 application it gives this constant warning. If I leave it on and change the port then I have an unnecessary application running. It's just an indicator but that was the very first thing the customer noticed. So while it many not seem like a big deal to us techies it is to end users. They don't like seeing warning messages with yellow indicators.
Of course I could just alter the FreePBX code but you know as well as I do that is a terrible solution. Eventually a FreePBX update will re-write it.
I'm feeling better about it today (now that I got things working after ignoring all the phonebook stuff) and was unexpectedly surprised when you approved my thread.
However, I'm feeling less cordial now that you have gotten defensive about it. Not once do you give any hint that perhaps, maybe...just maybe the instructions could be improved just a bit. The very first thing I read on your site was how you "get it" that good documentation is very important. I'm here to tell you that I don't think you do.
Then you downshifted to the standard argument that I am ungrateful because you are providing something free. Well I have used FOP1 for years and not once complained about it's shortcomings. FOP2 is clearly designed to encourage people to buy it. You clearly make a point that a big selling feature is good documentation. So I feel that constructive cristicism is appropriate for this product.
Anyways. Got it working by ignoring all the phonebook stuff. I don't need that. IMHO you should treat it as a totally separate product. Also, the instructions could be improved quite a bit. Granted, you are dealing with a moving target such as the new GUI settings in FreePBX. So it requires more effort.
So I think you need to decide if you really do "get it" how important good documentation is. Walk the talk or remove that statement.
The instructions on this board proclaim that they get it and know how important good instructions are. Then they go on to present some of the most confusing instructions I have ever seen.
First of all. What is free and what is not? First I read that 15 icons are free. Fair enough. Then I read that visual phonebook is not. So does that mean I should not install the phonebook sql database? Is phonebook the same as visual phonebook?
Going through the instructions I get step by step tarball installation. Great. Then something is cut and paste right in the middle saying if you need to install phonebook go here where it goes off on how to set up sql? Confusing instructions I might add. I get to the part where I have to edit /var/www/html/fop2/config.php
// Database connection details
$DBHOST = 'localhost';
$DBNAME = 'fop2';
$DBUSER = 'fop2';
$DBPASS = 'myPassw0rd';
Problem is that on my file that was installed using THESE instructions. $DBUSER = 'root';
So do I change it to fop2 even though the instructions do not say so.
If you want to sell this thing you should take your own advice and provide decent instructions. Don't even get me started on the FreePBX integration instructions. They are no where to be found in the "How to install" area. Found them in the FAQ area and they are wrong. Server status Op Panel is not integrated and still shows a warning indicator after instructions.
And after all this frustration. I cannot get the FOP2 to work properly. Cannot log in and when I finally figured out how to get that working (on my own by installing fop2admin module for freepbx because the instructions do not explain how that is necessary to create accounts for logging in) so then I finally get the FOP2 page. Great. Just one problem. Doesn't work. Busy extension does not show up as busy and phonebook giving an error message.
This is nuts.