
  1. 11 years ago


    I'm french and there are é, è, à, and so.
    It is not "Herv" but "Hervé". It is not "Qualit" but "Qualité Informatique"
    "Annuaire téléphonique" is ok.
    I'm having problems with code page.

    The reason?

  2. Solution :
    ; default_charset = "iso-8859-1"
    default_charset = "utf-8"

    init_connect='SET NAMES utf8; SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci;'
    default-character-set = utf8
    default-collation = utf8_unicode_ci
    character-set-server = utf8
    collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci

    default-character-set = utf8

  3. admin

    6 Feb 2013 Administrator

    thanks for posting the solution!

    However, there is an .htaccess file in fop2 html directory that sets the character set to utf8, and we use spanish characters with the stock fop2 configuration and mysql configuration that comes with pbx in a flash and elastix and we do not have that problem.

    Your solution will come handy for trouble installations. Thanks!

  4. 10 years ago

    Open through http encoding all good.
    Through https bad.

  5. and
    http + var disableWebSocket = true; bad
    http + var disableWebSocket = false; ok

  6. admin

    15 Oct 2014 Administrator

    That is a really strange issue that I will have to look for.

  7. admin

    16 Oct 2014 Administrator

    I have confirmed that behaviour, using flash xmlsockets will break deflate+utf8+base64 for some reason that I could not find out. It is a problem with libraries, not with actual fop2 code. So, in the meantime I tried removing deflate from the equation and have straight utf8+base64 coding on the server side, and it worked fine, at least when using flash xmlsockets (I have not tried with https, but I asume it will be similar).

    So, I think I will leave that change for the upcoming 2.29, so anyone with wide characters on buttons and using xmlsockets instead of standard websockets will not have issues.

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