I am running centos 6.3
FreeBX 2.11
and have installed Fop 2.26 for Centos 5
and Fop2Admin 1.2.13
Hi I found some instructions. installed it. but cannot seem to get the symlink to work and cannot see FOP2 when logged in as a user, though it seems to have installed the admin module fine and shows the extensions ok with permissions. the service is running ok. but when I did the symlink
ln -s /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.10 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.6
it said the libcrypto.so.6 file already exists.
I can see all the settings under /Other menu from FreePBX and can edit them just fine. so how do I get to the web gui for using it? I assume you log in to the user panel and should see the FOP2 panel there? if not how do you access it?
incidently running the test from the command line says it is in demo mode and connects to Manager ok.