Remote Queue Member Status Not Showing

  1. 11 years ago

    One of my agents is a home worker, so I have her in the queues.conf as :

    member = SIP/ogtrunk/123456789

    where of course 123456789 is her number.
    Now, this works fine (she gets calls as expected) but FOP2 does not change status for her button. She appears as logged off throughout. The queue status on the right hand side updates ok, but I'd rather the agent lozenge did.

    Is there a way around this?


  2. admin

    9 Sep 2013 Administrator

    Not sure if it will work, but change your queue member to be:

    member = Local/123456789@from-internal/n

    instead of SIP/XXX/yyy

    SIP/XXX/yyy is NOT a device, it is a dial string. FOP2 monitor devices. Local/123456789@from-internal is a proxy/pseudo device and might work.

  3. Thank you, that solves a large part of my problem.
    The agent lozenge changes to show ringing calls and when the agent is on a call, but the agent is showing as permanently logged in (ie green).

    What I have is a separate number for the agent to call to log themselves in or out. I was intending to add/remove the member from the queue dynamically in the hope that this would reflect on the screen.

    Now, it does in the queues panel, but not on the agent lozenge.

    As the Local device never actually registers as such, is it possible to show their logged in status somehow?

    Thanks again.

  4. admin

    10 Sep 2013 Administrator

    I do not think its possible, but I do not totally understand how are you setting things up anyways. In any case, fop2 extension buttons do not show queue login status, the queue buttons are there to show queue members and their status. What the extension buttos are capable of is for showing SIP REGISTRATION status, and for that it *must* be a distinctive sip device with notify set to yes in sip.conf.

  5. Yeah, I thought as much. Not really a problem.

    Thanks for your help.

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