Called number popup content Error and permission

  1. 9 years ago

    I install Fop2 on our Asterisk, we have a problem cause during conversation Popup display the last called number instead of the real called number.

    Any suggestion?

    We have also another problem about the calling history, when open the phonebook there is the error on attached file, "You do not have permissions to access this resource."
    Where i can check this permissions?

    Thanks bye

  2. admin

    1 Oct 2015 Administrator


    Do you have the notify on bridge plugin? If so disable it as that is the source of the problem. Newer versions of FOP2 and plugin will fix that.

    As for permissions for php sub applications, like call history, they are done using php sessions, and those sessions are set from FOP2 itself via ajax. Those request are failing for some reason, but they are hard to debug/troubleshot. It is also common to have php sessions broken after a yum update of php, as it saves the /var/lib/php/sesssion dir to the apache user while most of installations that are FreePBX based requires that directory to be owned by the 'asterisk' user.

    Best regards,

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