Listen and Whisper bug

  1. 14 years ago


    In the latest version (2.11) Listen and Whisper is not working with asterisk 1.6.1

    This is the error:

    > Launching ChanSpy(SIP/130|w) on SIP/502-00000a11
    [Apr 15 13:41:21] WARNING[22013]: pbx.c:956 pbx_exec: The application delimiter is now the comma, not the pipe. Did you forget to convert your dialplan? (ChanSpy(SIP/504|w))


  2. admin

    15 Apr 2010 Administrator

    You can force the delimiter by setting:

    ; Force delimiter for asterisk applications
    force_parameter_delimiter = ","

    in fop2.cfg

    Please take a look at all the available parameters: ... Parameters

  3. Sorry, you're right I haven't see it :)

    We buyed two licenses of the software.


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