Auto Logout / Penalty Reset

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi All,

    We're having issues where somebody sets themselves to busy/dnd - leave their desk - and return to only see they have been logged out of FOP2 and also all queues previously logged in to.

    Is there a timeout setting ANYWHERE in FOP2?

    Thank you

  2. @admin - Any thing you can add here? :)

  3. admin

    23 Dec 2016 Administrator

    No, there is no timeout in FOP2 itself. However, FOP2 will kick unresponsive clients.. an unresponsive client is a browser that is not sending keepalives (and by default, all fop2 connected clients will send a keepalive packet every few seconds).

    You can start FOP2 in debug mode and look at the log at around the time a user gets disconnected, and you might see some lines indicating the reason for the disconnection, it could also be a kind of socket error/network disconnection.

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