can't listen to port 4445

  1. 14 years ago

    I just installed fop2 on a new elastix 2.0.2 machine. I think I have everything configured right (obviously I missed something) but when I issue "/usr/local/fop2/fop2_server start" I get "can't listen on port 445".

    I changed the op server port to 4444 and restarted.

    Any ideas?

  2. admin

    13 Sep 2010 Administrator
    netstat -lnp | grep 444

    Look at the process that is using 4445. If it says PERL then you have FOP(1) still binding to that port, be sure that in op_server.cfg you UNCOMMENT the line by removing the semicolon, as by default it is commented.

    If it says fop2_server, then fop2 is already running.

    Best regards,

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