Pop-ups stopped working

  1. 13 years ago

    I have a Trixbox 2.8, installed v 2.11 and its been working great.

    Did a restart the other day, and now my pop-ups are not working. I had it set so that when someone dialed it it would pop up and search our web based database, but now its suddenly gone. If I uncomment the "alert" part of the checkdir.php, then commented my part out, and the alert works. Just the window.open command doesn't.

    I deleted the /tmp/par-root folder
    I have restarted both the service and server multiple times
    I have verified that my checkdir.php file is good by changing it back to the default, but same effect.

    Any ideas?

  2. admin

    14 Jan 2011 Administrator

    popups are client based mostly, (except for the code you write in checkdir.php), so restarting the server or clearing the par-root directory will not achieve any results. Install firebug on your browser and debug from there. Perhaps you updated your browser and popups are blocked or not allowed?

  3. Ok, I have been working on this for a while today with nothing. I can guarantee that my client machines are working right, since everyone in the office had this working for the last 6 months, but now it has died.

    I believe that I have screwed something up, since I had some down time on my Virtual Machine a few weeks ago. I could go back to one of my backups, but everything else seems to be working fine, just this. I am hoping that we can figure this out and stay with what we have.

    If I leave the echo "alert part on, I get the brown box, that shows Incoming Call, but the picture doesn't show, and the text says "From queue: alert('custom popup 888888888, Named Caller, undefined, 504');

    If I uncomment the window.open, nothing happens. I think something else is wrong. The browser is set to allow popups, I reinstalled FOP2.

    Anything you can do to help would be great.

  4. admin

    19 Jan 2011 Administrator

    what fop2 version did you reinstall ?

    have you changed from 2.11 to 2.20 ?

    please look at the stock checkdir.php files included with both versions, and tweak your popup based on those, not on your current copy that is certainly broken already. checkdir have changed from version to version, look at the stock ones for working examples, it is different in 2.11 to 2.20 or even 2.00

  5. admin

    19 Jan 2011 Administrator

    You can try to catch me on the live help too as it will be much faster than writing forum posts every other day.

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