a2billing autoconfiguration

  1. 13 years ago


    11 Mar 2011 Administrator

    If you want to have a2billing users in the fop2 display, you can add the following snippet at the end of the autoconfig-button-freepbx.sh script or use this as your own autoconfig script.. you will need to modify the mysql credentials if they are different:

    mysql -EB -u a2billinguser -pa2billing mya2billing -e "select concat('SIP/',name) as channel, if(firstname<>'',concat(firstname,' ',lastname),name) as label, \"extension\" as type, \"a2billing\" as \`group\`  from cc_sip_buddies left join cc_card on name=cc_card.username" | sed '/\*\*/d' | sed 's/: /=/g' | sed '/.*=$/d' | while read LINEA
    echo $LINEA | sed '/NULL/d' | sed 's/^channel=\(.*\)/\n[\1]/g' | sed 's/^extrachannel/channel/g'

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