Trixbox no go Won't connect to FOP

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 15 years ago

    I think we covered every possible cause in this super long thread. I asume you have the latest flash player installed right? You might want to try with different browsers/platforms. Sometimes the flash player is broken on one browser and working in another.

    I am also sure that it would take me much less time to fix the issue myself by logging into your machine than the time it takes to write all of these posts! Try to catch me via the live help tomorrow... if you can give me ssh access to the machine I will be able to at least test the install and probably make it work in a few minutes.

    Best regards,

    I am using trhe same browser I am using to connect to the working trixbox server. I willbe happy to give you access.

    I would need you IP via pm or email and I will send you the password

  3. admin

    14 Sep 2009 Administrator

    Just for other users to benefit. In this particular case, FOP1 was still running and listenting on port 4445. If you cannot connect you have to verify:

    1) That FOP1 is not running or listening to some other port besides 4445

    2) That FOP2 is started and running

    You can verify the ports opened with "netstat -nta"

    Starting fop2 as a service will say OK, but if it cannot bind to port 4445 because is in use by some other program it will silently fail. You can verify that by runing fop2 from the command line:

    cd /usr/local/fop2
    ./fop2_server -X 15

    3) if you use https you might have issues with fop2 client connections. Try to use http

    4) Last but not least, if you use manual configurations and use non ascii characters in button labels, you MUST save the config files as UTF8.

    And I forgot! You have to login with an extension and voicemail password if you use freepbx automatic config. You can check what users are available by running by hand and reading the output.


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