Trixbox no go Won't connect to FOP

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 15 years ago

    Yes I have this when I type the command you gave me
    pgrep fop2_server

    Now what ???

  3. admin

    5 Sep 2009 Administrator

    Now you can describe what does "I cannot connect" means. You open the web page, it ask for extension and password and you never get in? It ask again for a password? Or it keeps saying "attempting to connect, attempt No X?"

    If the former, you might have an improper fop2.cfg , maybe colliding manual users and auto configure scripts.

    If the later, you might have port 4445 blocked.

    Cannot be sure about anything as there was not much detail on your description of the problem!

    Best regards,

  4. Actually I found the problem.

    What you don't see to tell us is that we need to use our extension number and voicemail password to login.

    Also the port that was blocked was not 4445 or 4446 it was 843 as soon as I opened that port it connected.

    I have another question.

    can I setup a user to only be able to listed to certain extenshions. For eample a supervisor can only listed to his team and not the bosses extesion.

  5. admin

    5 Sep 2009 Administrator


    Glad you found the problem! But I beg to differ, I did not fail on telling anything... Maybe you did not read the 1st page of the user manual: where it states clearly that you login with your extension and voicemail password! It is also mentioned serveral times on this very same forum AND in the guide I posted in the 1st reply.

    About port 843, you can close it again. It is not used by fop. It is used by flash when it tries to retrieve a policy file, but if it fails it retrieves the policy from the server it is trying to connect... so it is actually no needed and you can keep it closed.

    Finally, if you want to restrict users to certain actions, you will have to do some manual configuration as described also in the documentation ( ... ermissions) because the automatic config generator grants the "all" permission to every user. You can also tweak that script, it is not *that* hard to understand. I did some modifications to retrive the fop2 permissions from the voicemail options as defined in freepbx, but it is not good/flexible enough.

    One easy way to do it is to run the script by hand:


    then copy & paste its output at the end of fop2.cfg and comment out the #exec line by adding a semicolon at the front... Then just modify the permissions as you see fit. Finally restart fop2.

    I will write a freepbx module for managing users, permisions et all in the near future.

    Best regards,

  6. Sorry but 3 of us missed it.

    You should have a freepbx install manual like the one you sent me to ... &Itemid=89

    It was a lot of help. You should under the image or even in the screenshot image type in the password (Your Voice Mail Password)

    As to the limitation I have done what you said already but it does not help me.

    I want to be able to listed and wispier to people and want others to be able to do the same while not allowing anyone in the company to listen or record or monitor my extension. When I do a manual button file and hide my extension then I am no longer able to listen to others as my extension is no longer listed for me.

    I want to only allow users to monitor and manage people in their list.

    From what I can see you do not have the ability to build custom list for example I set one person login to a custom fop2 file. so they can only see the people in their list and nothing more. this will be really important for people with different sales offices.

    I wil use the context as mensioned in your site, but was wondering if there could be an extension exampt list for CEO extension to be omited from the default fop2 screen

    If there is a way to do this please share it with me. I have paid for a license and am fighting a different server running centos 4.2 which I will get a license for and integrate it into this fop window

  7. Trying to install FOP2 on Centos 4.2 running Trixbox asterisk 1.2

    When I finish the install and try to test the server I get
    Can't run with DEBUGGING Perl at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 253.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /tmp/par-root/cache-48626947011371500ef4ae3bad7a2f0261fb9384/inc/lib/Filter/Crypto/ line 37.
    Compilation failed in require at script/ line 1.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at script/ line 1.

  8. admin

    6 Sep 2009 Administrator


    A lot of people miss something. It is a complex program, client and server, connecting to another server (asterisk). That is why there is quite a large documentation set. And because the documentation is kind of large you can miss some important parts. Many other users did not miss it, or they missed something else. And some others were great at the point of extending the functionality, posting patches like for adding importing functionality to the phonebook, or posting dialplan snippets to set presence on FOP2 via feature codes in the dialplan. The problem you were having was indeed documented on the 1st user manual page, the FAQ, the guide and several times in the forum. I have just modified the user manual trying to make it more clear for freepbx users.

    The next version (due out shortly) will have a privacy aka "CEO" option for individual buttons to prevent listen,whisper,record and hangups, and another level of privacy for hiding callerids or dialed numbers. My initial development is to have a "privacy=clid,monitor,all" to set per button. And I think that I will have to also add a "god" permission for a user so you can set a super user that will be able to override button privacy settings.

    About the list of extensions to show, you can do that now using panel contexts as described in the manual. But I am also thinking on how to implement it on just one panel context. All this improvements will need a nice web gui for setting that up, and hence it will take some time.

    I always point to the step by step guide for installation. There was a sticky on this forum but it seems it expired, I will look at it and get it back at the top.

    You can also check the FAQ that describes the problem you had and the solution, and other similar problems and proper solutions/fixes too.

    For Centos 4, you need a non debugging perl as explained in the download page, you can get a centos 4 perl from here: ... 3.i386.rpm ... 3.i386.rpm

    Best regards,

  9. Well for the time being I have used different context for different user. In a system of 100's of extentions it's a lot of work.
    Your new FOP2 is an excenlent product don't get me wrong I am not complaining, and that is why I am putting a lot of time into it.

    If you need any help with a web interface skin or anything at all, I will be happy to help., is some of our sites.

    Is there any way to group extension in the gui without putting them in a queue ??


  10. RPM for perl on the second server won't instal I am getting the following

    [root@voip2 src]# rpm -ivh perl-5.8.5-36.3.i386.rpm
    Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
    file /usr/share/man/man1/xsubpp.1.gz from install of perl-5.8.5-36.3 conflicts with file from package perl-5.8.5-49.el4
    [root@voip2 src]#

    so I take it its already installed ??? I am not really good a linux.
    FYI this is the verion on the server

    [root@voip2 src]# perl -MLWP -le "print(LWP->VERSION)"

  11. admin

    7 Sep 2009 Administrator

    Is there any way to group extension in the gui without putting them in a queue ??


    group=mygroup in the button definition, it will be available on the next release.

    Best regards,

  12. admin

    7 Sep 2009 Administrator

    RPM for perl on the second server won't instal I am getting the following

    [root@voip2 src]# rpm -ivh perl-5.8.5-36.3.i386.rpm
    Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
    package perl-5.8.5-49.el4 (which is newer than perl-5.8.5-36.3) is already installed
    file /usr/bin/a2p from install of perl-5.8.5-36.3 conflicts with file from package perl-5.8.5-49.el4

    so I take it its already installed ??? I am not really good a linux.

    Seems like you have a newer perl than the RPM I made. FOP2 will only run with a non debugging perl and Centos4 provides a debugging perl. You will have to recompile perl OR You can also try to force install the rpm, making actually a downgrade (just add --force to the rpm command). But that might break something else on your perl install as you have a newer version (I do not think it will break anything, but I am not responsible if it does.. anyways you can always update perl again...)

    Best regards,

  13. I did do the perl rpm with the --force command which worked and I was able to install fop2 but after I log in it just sits there saying connecting to server, attempt number : 1 then I get could not connect to server.

    I checked the firewall logs and do not see any errors yes I am stuck here I rebooted the server several times and I have done this setup like I did my primary servers which is working perfectely.

    Thank for the continued help.

  14. admin

    7 Sep 2009 Administrator

    Did you verify that fop2_server is indeed running?

    pgrep fop2_server 
  15. [root@voip2 ~]# pgrep fop2_server

    Yes it is running because when I restart the service I get ok ok

  16. Can you please repy on this one I have been working on this insall since last Saturday.

  17. admin

    9 Sep 2009 Administrator

    Can you telnet to port 4445 from your browser machine to the fop2 server machine? Are you running FOP1 in that server too? If you are also running FOP1, change its listening port and restart FOP1. Be sure that FOP2 is configured to port 4445, be sure that port 4445 is not blocked by iptables or firewalls in the middle, the telnet test should give you a hint.

    Another potential issue is if you use foreign characters in the button labels and the button file is not saved as utf8.

    Best regards,

  18. I have none of the abve since I can not get it to connect locally. So there is no firewall yet. I always start by testing locally then work my way out. Can you think of anything else ???

    Thnak you

  19. admin

    10 Sep 2009 Administrator

    I think we covered every possible cause in this super long thread. I asume you have the latest flash player installed right? You might want to try with different browsers/platforms. Sometimes the flash player is broken on one browser and working in another.

    I am also sure that it would take me much less time to fix the issue myself by logging into your machine than the time it takes to write all of these posts! Try to catch me via the live help tomorrow... if you can give me ssh access to the machine I will be able to at least test the install and probably make it work in a few minutes.

    Best regards,

  20. I think we covered every possible cause in this super long thread. I asume you have the latest flash player installed right? You might want to try with different browsers/platforms. Sometimes the flash player is broken on one browser and working in another.

    I am also sure that it would take me much less time to fix the issue myself by logging into your machine than the time it takes to write all of these posts! Try to catch me via the live help tomorrow... if you can give me ssh access to the machine I will be able to at least test the install and probably make it work in a few minutes.

    Best regards,

    I am using trhe same browser I am using to connect to the working trixbox server. I willbe happy to give you access.

    I would need you IP via pm or email and I will send you the password

  21. admin

    14 Sep 2009 Administrator

    Just for other users to benefit. In this particular case, FOP1 was still running and listenting on port 4445. If you cannot connect you have to verify:

    1) That FOP1 is not running or listening to some other port besides 4445

    2) That FOP2 is started and running

    You can verify the ports opened with "netstat -nta"

    Starting fop2 as a service will say OK, but if it cannot bind to port 4445 because is in use by some other program it will silently fail. You can verify that by runing fop2 from the command line:

    cd /usr/local/fop2
    ./fop2_server -X 15

    3) if you use https you might have issues with fop2 client connections. Try to use http

    4) Last but not least, if you use manual configurations and use non ascii characters in button labels, you MUST save the config files as UTF8.

    And I forgot! You have to login with an extension and voicemail password if you use freepbx automatic config. You can check what users are available by running by hand and reading the output.


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