fop2 licensing issues

  1. 9 years ago

    fop2 license - get error when using license
    fop2 wont restart when using 2.28 and license - will only run in demo mode
    also get unable to initialize libusb: -99 when starting

    when dl'ing 2.29 - says its a 2.28 license -- whats the cost of the maintenance agreement ?
    License Activation
    Enter your serial code: xxxxxxxxx
    Serial code available!
    Registration Successfull
    You must restart the FOP2 service to enable the license.
    [root@voiptracker fop2]# service fop2 restart
    Restarting fop2 (via systemctl): [ OK ]
    [root@voiptracker fop2]# ps -ef |grep fop2
    root 21758 20990 0 14:58 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto fop2

    [root@voiptracker fop2]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -i ens160
    unable to initialize libusb: -99

  2. admin

    25 Mar 2015 Administrator


    I think your issue is that the init script file was not modified to pass the -i ens160 parameter for binding the license. Not related at all with the actual fop2 version, neither with the libusb error that is totally harmless.

    Edit the file /etc/defaults/fop2 and add the interface parameter and name to the OPTIONS string, that should probably fix your service startup problems.

    Best regards,

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