Hello, I'm struggling with slow connection to the Panel. When I try to connect I get "Connecting to server, attempt number : ...1" and good if I will connect over 20-30 counts. Eventually, connect will happen but become unstable. Clicking on any button may cause re-connection again (but may be not).
What is even more strange, Panel has tend to be "warming up". If I more often manually re-connect to panel and more frequent clicking on buttons, panel becomes more responsive and stable...
I run Elastix 2.4 and recently upgraded to FOP2 2.29 latest but this problem has been persistent all way down to Elastix 2.4 and FOP2 2.0. At the very initial stage it worked well but then something happened.
FOP1 worked just fine.
I carefully reviewed all related posts:
- port 4445 is open and listening
- FOP1 is disabled
- Firewall (iptables) switched off
- excessive events in manager.conf fired off
- workstation is connected to the server over direct Ethernet cable (only switch between, no active devices)
- same problem in Chrome and Firefox
- I use HTTPS, probably because it's default for Elastix I don't know how to bypass HTTPS and connect via HTTP, it simply doesn't work.
- Chrome extension seems work smooth
Any ideas?
Answered by admin
See post in contextWriting the solution for posterity an other users that could be affected. Looking at the FOP2 debug log I found this error:
callback (ignoring): /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt: failed to use local certificate chain (cert_file or cert)
FOP2 knows how to handle certificate files in PEM format (the most common, that is base64 encoded).
nikriaz had a custom certificate in another (binary) format (DEM). FOP2 was not able to handle that certificate so it did not negotiate SSL. Converting it to PEM format made it work.
The command to convert a certificate from DEM to PEM:
openssl x509 -inform der -in /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt -out /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.pem
Then changing the file to read on fop2.cfg
(As I did not want to alter the original certificate that might be used by other software and perhaps only in that format).
With the file in the correct format FOP2 knows how to handle it.