"fop2_server dead but subsys locked" after backup restore

  1. 8 years ago

    I have a second FreePBX server that we will either put in High Availability, or just have on hand to switch out. I know I will need a second license for this server, but I'm fine with having limited buttons for now. What I'm trying to nail down is the exact steps required to get FOP2 up and running after a restore.

    I'll tell you what I did so far:

    I did a full backup of the original server and used that to restore to the second PBX. This included:
    (And all the other default directories and MySQL tables)

    After restore, I am able to get into the https://second_PBX_ip_address/fop2/admin, but it says the "fop2 server is not responding".

    On SSH, I ran "service fop2 status" and got "fop2_server dead but subsys locked". If I stop and start the service, I get the same thing.

    I reinstalled fop2 by wget'ing the latest tgz, unpacking and the "make install", but still get the same error. I rebooted and got the same error.

    I saw your post about running "netstat -lnp | grep 444" to see if any other service is taking the 4443 port, and got no listing.

    What else could be the issue?

  2. admin

    11 May 2016 Administrator

    Run fop2_server from the command line and see if it returns any error, it probably will, that error is the one that generates the fop2_server dead but subsys locked message when you request for status:

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 15

    Run that, what is the output ?

    Perhaps you need to also restore the file /etc/sysconfig/fop2 that is used by the init script to take command line options...

  3. eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found

    FOP2 was unable to find an eth0 interface to bind the license to.
    Please specify a valid NIC name with the -i command line parameter, for example:

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 15 -i eth1

  4. Oops... I realized what I should do after that ;) Here's the message after I entered the right interface.

    [root@localhost ~]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 15 -i em1
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - Invalid license for this machine.
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - Invalid license for this install (i).
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - Invalid license for this install (hostname mismatch)
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - Invalid license for this version.
    You must reactivate your license using the --reactivate option.

    And if I run the --reactivate:

    [root@localhost ~]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -i em1 --reactivate
    Reactivation failed! (ERROR)
    You must purchase the annual maintenance fee in order to upgrade your
    version ( https://www.fop2.com/buy.php ).
    Or you can keep running the version you have installed now.

    I don't want to steal the license from my production server right now, but if that server did fail and I switched to this secondary server, what commands would I want to run to switch it over? Do I HAVE to unload the license from the primary? (what if it is totally dead?)

  5. admin

    12 May 2016 Administrator

    Remove the fop2.lic file if you do not want to see those license warnings. Anyways, the fop2 license problem does not prevent the service from starting, it will just start in demo mode (15 buttons limitation). If the service does not start it is most probably because the /etc/sysconfig/fop2 file is missing, or if its not missing, then it does not have the -i em1 inside, if you have a fop2.lic file (valid or not), and you do not have an eth0 interface, then fop2_server will shut down, unless you specify a valid interface name via -i xxx in /etc/sysconfig/fop2 OPTIONS line.

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