On a system with Asterisk 13.9.1, FreePBX 12 and FOP2 2.30.02, we have a problem whith incoming calls to queues. When a call enters a queue, the small icons of the agents of the queue start moving indicating the extensions are ringing, but the extension buttons do not turn orange for 10 seconds or more (seems some sort of delay).
All the agents of the queues are dynamic. We have 12 queues with 8-12 dynamic agents in each queue, and 44 extensions in the panel.
We have tried FOP2 2.31.00 and 2.31.01, with the same results (but had to revert to 2.30.02 because some bug made some calls appear empty in the queues boxes and would not disappear).
Can it be caused by too many AMI events? Is there something we can do?