No need to apologize, I just needed a little more information to try to figure out things. You are using the /n suffix and it does not work, so the other option is to NOT use it and see if fop2 behavior changes in the trunk button.
If you see status after a reload, it is because the information was gathered via the AMI status command, but that command is only fired on fop2 startup or reload, from there on, fop2 relies on regular AMI events like Newchannel, newstate, etc, and maintains its own event machine. If you do not see status "live" it is because there are missing events, or some mix up in events and their order due to the infamous masquerading and local channels.
Be sure you have "all" both in read and write in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf , and that you are not using eventmask or eventfilters and try that way. We do not want ANY event to be filtered for whatever reason. (Possible reasons are: using trixbox patched asterisk 1.6.phonecore-nonsense that is buggy, use of eventfilters in manager.conf, use of event_mask in fop2.cfg, etc).
If the problem is not missing events but a consequence of masq/locals , then you might want to try removing the /n suffix.
One important thing to note, remember that currently trunk buttons will show only bridged calls (leg A linkded to leg B). Calls within an application (Leg a -- Application (ivr, voicemail, whatever), do not show on the trunk detail list up until de call is linked/bridged to another channel.
Finally, not sure exactly what is your need for monitoring those trunk channels, but you can configure a trunk as an extension button (manually), that way you can see non bridged calls while they are being dialed/received. That would be another option, not configure the trunk as trunk but as an extension. Some users want to monitor individual dahdi channels for their trunks, and they configure them that way.
Best regards,