problem installing

  1. 11 years ago

    Hi, I'm trying to install the latest version of fop2 on an elastix 1.6.2-27. Everything went smooth following the docs, but when I try to login the fop2 web it fails. I keep getting the:

    Connecting to server, attempt number : 1

    And eventually I see at the bottom of the page:

    FOP2 - Version 2.26 - Lite Version - Limited to 15 extensions . Buy it now for unlimited extensions. If you already have a code enter it here

    Which is a little unexpected, as I've registered succesfully the full white label version, via /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --register (and fop2_server --test confirms it, see below)

    Fop1 is running on port 4444 and fop2 on 4445:

    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      3593/perl           
    tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      7271/fop2_server 

    fop2 is running:

    pgrep fop2

    There are no iptables rules, no selinux and I can telnet the server from localhost.

    fop2_server --test says everything is ok:

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - White Label Version.
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - White Label License (7)
    Connection to manager OK!

    The extensions at the freepbx don't use voicemail, so I've created a few using the fop2 freepbx add-on, and they show up when executing by hand

    user=101:101:all:All Trunks,All Conferences,All Queues,All Extensions,All Buttons
    user=315::all:All Buttons
    user=500:1234:all:All Trunks,All Conferences,All Queues,All Extensions,All Buttons

    And the script is not commented out at the end of the fop2.cfg file:

    ; This line is NOT commented, it executes 
    ; the autoconfig configuration for FreePBX

    When I try to login on the fop2 web, I see some traffic on the lo interface to port 4445, and the responses it gives back:

    [root@xxx fop2]# ngrep -W byline -p -q -d lo '*' tcp and port 4445
    interface: lo (
    filter: (ip) and ( tcp and port 4445 )
    match: *
    T -> [AP]
    <msg data="GENERAL|contexto|1" />.
    T -> [AP]
    { "btn": "0", "cmd": "key", "data": "XXXXXXX", "slot": "" }.
    T -> [AP]
    { "btn": "0@GENERAL", "cmd": "version", "data": "2.26!xxx!7", "slot": "" }.
    T -> [AP]
    <msg data="GENERAL|checkauth|500|XXXXXXXXX" />.
    T -> [AP]

    Am I missing something?


  2. admin

    18 Jun 2013 Administrator

    What browser are you using? Did you try with a different browser?

  3. Yes, I've tried iceweasel 17.0.6 on Debian and chrome and explorer on windows with the same results

  4. admin

    19 Jun 2013 Administrator

    Maybe you have accented chars in labels, but the file is not being served as UTF8. That breaks the javascript application. One way to overcome this if you cannot modify mysql collation is to change in the following:

    mysql -EB -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS -h $DBHOST $DBNAME -e \
    "SET NAMES utf8; SELECT device AS channel,type,if(type<>'trunk',exten,'') AS extension,\

    Notice the bold text, that is what you need to add. Or you can refrain on using accented chars in labels, that might probably work funny in caller id displays.

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