
  1. 10 years ago

    Attempting to play and download voicemails now that I have fop2 running on the right machine.

    I can see a list of the vm's when I click on the envelope icons for an extension. At that point I get a screen that show Play and download icons, but neither do anything. I've read enough to recognize the issue as a likely php session issue, and when I invoke download.php directly from the browser, i get "no way".
    But, before that, I'm seeing

    [Thu Jul 24 14:49:06 2014] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/html/fop2/download.php on line 116

    in my http error log, which corresponds to this line:

    list ($getid,$filename2) = preg_split("/!/",$_REQUEST['file'],2);

    Assuming that I've passed the following URL:

    I'm seeing the entire $_REQUEST['file'] in $getid, and $filename2 is what is undefined. I've been searching far and wide for what the pattern "/!/" represents, the closest thing I've come to is a negative lookahead.

    So I wrote a little test program:
    $lines = file("test.out");
    $foo = array( "","" );

    foreach ($lines as $a) {
    echo "$a\n";
    $foo = preg_split("/!/",$a,2);
    echo "$foo[0] ... $foo[1] ..\n";
    echo "done\n";

    And fed it these filenames:


    and it produced the same result:


    PHP Notice: Undefined index: 1 in /home/agiletel/test.php on line 8
    ... ..

    PHP Notice: Undefined index: 1 in /home/agiletel/test.php on line 8
    ... ..

    PHP Notice: Undefined index: 1 in /home/agiletel/test.php on line 8


    I'm running php 5.1.6, and there doesn't seem to be any dependence on a particular version of PHP here.

    Any thoughts ? I need to get past this so I can get back to grappling with the session issue, which I think is unrelated (and not likely to be solved by this either)


  2. admin

    25 Jul 2014 Administrator

    The download does not work unless you pass a fop2 key before the filename (as a security measure). The exclamation sign is the separator. The fop2 key is set via php sessions, so your problem could be very well related to them.

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