

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Wed Feb 17 08:16:53 2016
    stegfeld started the conversation extension privacy is monitor but caller-id is shown.


    I've set the extension privacy to "monitor" for some extensions, because the caller id should not be shown.
    I have to make
    #service fop2 restart
    and after this, the caller id is not shown anymore, but if I sign out from fop and login again, the caller id is shown again.

    what am I doing wrong?

  2. Mon Dec 14 16:52:29 2015

    I've just added the extension in freepbx gui and add the button in fop2-admin..
    is it necessary to grant passwordless root ssh login to the remote asterisk, or may I use another user for it?

  3. Mon Dec 14 10:40:43 2015

    Ok, could you please provide the info where to add the remote buttons?
    I've 3 extensions to get monitored remotely, I guess it would be the easiest way to add them manually, but where and how?

  4. Thu Dec 3 16:31:10 2015

    what is meant by "add the extra servers in fop2.cfg via manager_ entries"

    simply add

    manager_host=remote ip
    manager_secret=remote secret

    under the other manger_ entries?

  5. Wed Dec 2 14:20:27 2015


    we have two seperated asterisknow systems with two seperated phone numbers, extensions, dialplans and so on, these two networks are connected via vpn, so the question was, if I can display the extensions from asterisk#1 in fop of asterisk#2 .. hope I have descriped my purposes understandable

  6. Wed Dec 2 11:17:11 2015
    stegfeld started the conversation sync fop/extension status between two asterisknow.


    has anybody synced fop/extension status between two asterisknow right now or any ideas how to realize it?

    thankfull for any help,
    kind regards

  7. 9 years ago
    Thu Apr 30 09:25:06 2015
    stegfeld started the conversation call history not up-to-date since update.


    since updating from asterisknow 3 to asterisknow 5 with freepbx 12 and updating from fop2.28 to fop2.29 my call history is not up-to-date (phonebook -> call history), connection tests, and login to fop2 works faultless..
    I've run
    # ./ -write
    after updating again, but call history is still showing only calls until update-date

    anybody knows how to fix this?

  8. Wed Dec 17 13:12:48 2014

    you were right.. this causes the problem.. is it possible to change this, so that changing anything in my freepbx gui doesn't influence fop2?

  9. Wed Dec 17 11:21:45 2014

    you mean, if I'm doing changes in my freepbx webGUI and press the "Apply" button after that? -> yes I do..

  10. Tue Dec 16 16:29:16 2014
    stegfeld started the conversation every button gets displayed double after few hours.


    I've got a really strange problem.
    if I let my FOP2 Panel open in my browser (firefox 32) with actual adobe flash player, suddenly every button is displayed DOUBLE?
    if I logout and logon again, everything is normal..
    I've got this problem with many clients, not only with one.. I tried to delete the cache of firefox, but this didn't solve the problem..
    any ideas what could cause this issue?

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