

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Thu Nov 5 22:49:55 2015
    sergiocesar posted in Dynamic line display.

    @admin You do not have to use dynamic line display, but instead set the number of lines to show (shoLines). Log into the fop2 manager (http://your.server/fop2/admin), select Settings and adjust showLines to 1. Then reload fop2.

    Best regards,

    The idea is the other way around, display 1 line and when set to dynamic it will display 2 or 3 only when it is used making the changes to the alignment seldom and perhaps more predictable.
    The problem is that all do not fit in one screen with 2 lines that are seldom used (in my case at least) :)

  2. Tue Nov 3 11:59:40 2015
    sergiocesar started the conversation trunk lables and names.

    I have yet to figure out how to get the trunks to display the calls. I have a 4 line POTS card and the call it always is displayed in the last button being that DAHDI/1-1 or DAHDI/2-1 or DAHDI/g0.
    The IAX2 trunk did not display incoming calls so I added IAX2-br1 (the named of the incoming trunk) and it started to work, I try the same for the POTS but nothing makes it display on the proper button.
    I look in the database and the entry show in the "mail" field but the iax is correct, I try to manually enter the number in the database but the panel wont start.
    What is the correct syntax to enter the dahdi ports? how about "g0" or another group?


  3. Tue Nov 3 11:51:53 2015
    sergiocesar started the conversation Dynamic line display.

    Just upgraded a customer to 2.30 and selected the dynamic line display and no lines are displayed in the screen. before we had a single line. most of the time the user uses a single line and we can adjust the display to fit all buttons.
    How do I setup so it will show 1 line then if more is used it will show more?
    The problem is that when the call expands the display the button moves and the operator will need to hunt for it.
    if it has to move it should move to a predictable place, perhaps the whole line should expand down and the button stay where it is.


  4. 12 years ago
    Sat Mar 24 11:55:46 2012
    sergiocesar posted in FOP2 running but cannot login.

    Not working here, every time I try a shift-> reload I get the login prompt again and even http://your.server/fop2/js/presence.js show the change it does not display anything.
    one interesting part is that the versions 2.11 works fine. Ill assume that does not support web socket... :(
    I have also try to clear the cache.
    is there an update I can download?

  5. 13 years ago
    Fri Nov 18 14:43:52 2011
    sergiocesar started the conversation few ext many trunks how do I swap display?.

    I have all but 6 ext but have some 30 trunks, many conf and many park.
    How can I change the way it looks so I can see the trunks, conf etc in columns like the ext show and the ext in single column?
    I try to swap the grid_12 and grid_4 but the trunk buttons just got real wide and not in columns.

  6. Fri Dec 24 22:22:30 2010
    sergiocesar posted in Hide disabled trunks.

    removing the label will make it a 2 step process, disable the trunk and remove the label, then when the trunk is again available try to remember to add the label again. automation would be nice. we know the trunk exist and it is configured but disabled so dont show. when it comes back it shows again.

  7. Fri Dec 24 14:35:42 2010
    sergiocesar started the conversation Hide disabled trunks.

    A way to configure an option to hide the disabled trunks so it does not show in the list.

  8. Fri Dec 24 14:32:59 2010
    sergiocesar started the conversation day-night mode status.

    It would be nice to display the status of day-night switches so the operator can see them, perhaps on top to the right of the status drop down box.

  9. 14 years ago
    Tue Oct 12 13:00:22 2010

    Where is this global var that can make the ext button with only 1 line? I can use that really bad. :) :) please?

  10. Tue Oct 12 12:46:08 2010
    sergiocesar posted in CLID dynamic hide.

    Any news on this great feature :), any chance this will happen or is already there and I missed the update. :) :)

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