Last active 11 years ago
its pretty neat.
looks like you can get a URL popup when you get a ring, would it be possible to have it to popup when you answer the call?
Hopefully this is not a double post.
One thing my users miss a lot when i move them from HUD to FOP, is the user pop up URL.
For example when they answer the ringing line, a URL based on the caller ID number pops up.
some clients have CRM website that can for example open up caller web page when they answer the line( or ring).
Thank you Sir!
i'll add this to my extesnions.conf
Do i need to create an extension for it in extension.conf,
i have this in buttons :
but looks like it goes to invalid extension:
WARNING[19267]: pbx.c:4416 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'SIP/320-00003bd7' sent into invalid extension '4809,inside,PARK/DEFAULT' in context 'fop2-park', but no invalid handler
I see,
to park a call, do we need to user transfer button?
Hopefully this is not a double post.
in version 2.26, when i click on user presence icon, nothing happens, just a small horizontal line, i think that's where i can park and pick up parked calls?