

Last active 15 years ago

  1. 15 years ago
    Thu Sep 17 06:23:54 2009

    Hi Nicolás,

    I'll take the time to ask the guys at 4PSA about the Asterisk/AMI issue, and will post their response. It would certainly be good if we could get this happening. And your willingness to consider acommodating us is greatly appreciated.

    And you're right about the make-up of VoipNow. It is indeed a hybrid of Kamailio and Asterisk, and somehow, the guys at 4PSA have a very powerful system that works very, very well. But for all its power, it has some serious restrictions, and sadly, this is one of them.

    Oh well, swings and roundabouts, as they say ...


  2. Wed Sep 16 11:55:49 2009

    Hi guys,

    I'm running VoipNow in an HA array and already have FOP2 working on the system, except for the MySQL requirements like the dialpad etc.

    In order to activate these features, I contacted 4PSA, and their response floored me! They said ...

    "If you perform any of these changes to the VoipNow server, we will no longer be able to support it, sorry."

    What an arrogant and astonishing response! These are MY servers, and I've paid them nearly $2000USD in recent months to buy unlimited licenses etc, and to then be told that installing FOP2 would see them refuse me support in future is outrageous.

    So, the point of all this is to ask if it's possible to install FOP2 on a cPanel server running CentOS 5, and have it monitor my VoipNow servers as extra servers?

    Here's hoping this is possible.
