

Last active 11 years ago

  1. 11 years ago
    Fri Aug 2 02:00:59 2013
    uptown posted in FOP2 Makefile not found.

    It worked after a reboot. Thank you for all your help.

  2. Wed Jul 31 08:37:34 2013
    uptown posted in FOP2 Makefile not found.

    Thank you!, that worked for fop2-2.26 but not for fop2-2.27 with error make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.

  3. Mon Jul 29 17:00:03 2013
    uptown started the conversation FOP2 Makefile not found.

    I have a problem with using makefile to install fop2 each time after dowloading using wget, tar and then going into fop2 folder to make install I get make file diretory not found though I can see it in fop2 folder
    Procedures used
    [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/src
    wget http://www.fop2.com/file.php?file=21
    tar zxvf fop2-2.26-centos5-x86_64,tgz
    cd fop2
    make install
    I have also tried with fop2-2,27 with same result.
    I have tried severals including downloading to pc and then uploading to asterisks and usinf freepbx module admin(nothing happened with this).
    I have restalled asterisk freepbx 2 times yum updated it with same result.
    I hope someone can tell me what I doing wrong.
    Asterisk 11.5
    Freepbx 2.11
    Centos 6.4 64bits