

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Tue Nov 10 16:27:08 2015
    psubiaco posted in Call History refresh time.

    I want to thank Nicolas for the great support,
    he gave me the right file so, now, the callhistory panel will refresh everytime a new received or sent call terminates.
    This is the content of file that you find into DOCUMENTROOT/admin/plugins/callhistory :

    $AMI_Event_Handler{'callhistory'}{'HANGUP'} = sub {
    my $event = shift;
    my @allreturn;
    my $canal = FOP2::utils::get_channel(${$event}{Channel});
    # We return an array containing valid manager Actions
    $return = "Action: UserEvent\r\n";
    $return .= "UserEvent: refreshcallhistory\r\n";
    $return .= "Channel: $canal\r\n";
    $return .= "Family: refreshcallhistory\r\n";
    $return .= "Value: 1\r\n";
    $return .= "\r\n";
    push @allreturn, $return;
    return @allreturn;

  2. Sun Nov 8 12:46:14 2015
    psubiaco posted in Call History refresh time.

    FOP2 2.30.00 with call history plugin enabled, and plain asterisk 1.8:
    I'm able to see incoming and outgoing calls, but I'd like that the call history panel will refresh automatically: in this way, it's easy for phone operator to see all missing call when she'll come back from toilet or caffee ;-)
    How is it possible to make callbook plugin to refresh automatically its content every time a new call is received or made?
    Thanks a lot!

  3. Wed Nov 4 18:23:34 2015
    psubiaco started the conversation Phonebook search takes very long time.

    FOP2 2.30.02 with 1770 records on visual_phonebook.
    The search/compose field on the top middle part works perfectly, because extracts data from visual_phonebook by a query.
    Clicking on Contacts, the panel takes few seconds to open, the first time, and this is ok because it read all records from the visual_phonebook table and generate the html list structure.
    The problem is that, when I press 1 char on the phonebook search field, the browser get stuck for 20s or more (CPU=100%), before showing the result.
    Pressing a 2nd char into the phonebook search field, things goes a little better, and start working really well when the search field contains 3 or more chars.
    I suggest to change the javascript that filter the phonebook informations, to start filtering only when 3 or more chars are pressed.
    If you can send me a patch, I'm really happy to test it, because phonebook search is now useless.
    Obvious, if I check with only 100records on visual_phonebook table, it works like a charm.
    Thanks a lot. Paolo

  4. Wed Nov 4 15:04:24 2015

    Hi Nicolas,
    thanks for the reply. That's perfect!
    I've just enter fop2/admin configuration, enabled callhistory plugin, enable that plugin for all users, and it works perfectly.
    Thanks a lot.

  5. Mon Nov 2 18:22:05 2015
    psubiaco started the conversation Call history and Phonebook on panel.

    Hi all.
    I think it will be very nice if it's possible to stick the phonebook and call history in the panel, always visible, without the need to click on icon and select call history, for example.
    In this way, user that come back from pause will see on the panel all missing calls, without the need to click to open the missing call window.
    About the phonebook, I believe that searching a contact writing its name in the search input is almost perfect ,but my customer would like to have the visual phonebook always active in the panel.
    If it's possible to do these modifications, I'll appreciate a lot!
    Thanks so much.

  6. Wed Oct 28 07:39:41 2015
    psubiaco joined the forum.