

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Mar 22 20:10:46 2016
    bradshaw79 posted in FOP2 Firewall Issue on LAN.


  2. Tue Mar 22 15:45:14 2016
    bradshaw79 posted in FOP2 Firewall Issue on LAN.

    FreePBX 13.0.75
    Current Asterisk Version: 11.21.2

    Ive followed the installation guide and everything seems to be working. its licensed, all that... Manager test is good.
    I can access \\IPaddressOFtheSERVER\fop2\ , but the LAN cannot. (I work remotely and can access everything, its only the LAN affected.)

    I put the network inquestion in the firewall and set it to trusted, no change. I tried external, internal, no change. I manually entered the rule in IPTables... It works for a a min or two, then it reengages and blocks the LAN again...

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Fri Mar 18 19:18:24 2016
    bradshaw79 joined the forum.