Last active 10 years ago
Notifications on Google Chrome stopped working after I upgraded to version 2.27. Today, I upgraded to the latest FOP2 chrome extension and notifications still do not work. The interesting part is if I go to the FOP2 Extension Options and make a change, the notification works until I close the browser and then it stops working again until I make another change in FOP2 Extension option. Any ideas?
I think my question was unclear. I meant to say if a call comes through a queue, have one timeout and if a call comes directly to an extension, have another timeout. I hope that makes more sense.
Which permissions will give the user to see all the recordings? I have users which do no have all permissions but they can still see all the recordings.
I finally got the fop2recordings updated with all the recorded calls. Can someone give me some ideas on how I can set permissions on recorded calls. I would like admin to be able to listen to all, managers to listen to a certain group of calls and everyone else to listen to their own calls. Should I create another flag in the database or go off the owner extension?
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Can you explain the difference between meetme, queueagent and queuemanager?
That is great!
Thank you
We have recordings on for all calls, will future versions have the ability to listen to them?
I documented what I thought all of the permissions meant. Could you fill in the blanks or ? and update the ones I did not document correctly?
all = all permissions
dial = Have the ability to dial using fop2
hangup = Have the ability to hangup anyones phone
hangupself = Have the ability to hangup only your phone
meetme = ?
pickup = Have the ability to pickup from a queue
record = Have the ability to record anyones conversation
recordself = Have the ability to record your conversation
sms = ?
smsmanager = ?
spy = Have the ability to spy on a call
transfer = Have the ability to transfer a call internally within the system
transferexternal = Have the ability to transfer a call internally and externally within the system
queuemanager = Have the ability to add or delete from the queue
queueagent = ?
phonebook = ?
chat = ?
preferences = ?
voicemailadmin = Have the ability to listen to anyones voicemail
Is there new documentation that talks about the permissions in fop2? The current documentation only explains some basic permission features but there are a lot more and was wondering what they do.
It would be nice to have the ability to give admin rights to only certain mailboxes. We have an emergency mailbox that everyone accesses to listen to voicemail. It would be nice to click on the mailbox through fop and listen to the voicemail. I do not want to give everyone voicemailadmin rights.