

Last active 11 years ago

  1. 11 years ago
    Mon Jul 1 20:14:36 2013
    robya started the conversation FOP2 error after upgrade to FreePBX 2.11.

    I had a functional FOP2 setup running on FreePBX 2.10. I did the update to 2.11 and the system would not load the Asterisk service. I found a note that said to uninstall FOP2 admin module. ... ot-applied - That did not completely fix the issue.

    I contacted Schmooze and they found the CEL was an error, we moved the cel_*.so modules out of /usr/lib/asterisk/modules to the home directory. - Now FreePBX seems to work.

    Once the server was back up I tried to reinstall the FOP2 Admin module again and the FreePBX server had and error and Asterisk stopped running. I have since uninstalled the service and the server is fine. I have version 2.26 of FOP2

    Reload failed because retrieve_conf encountered an error: 1

    exit: 1

    [FATAL] Unable to connect to Asterisk Manager from /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf, aborting
    1 error(s) occurred, you should view the notification log on the dashboard or main screen to check for more details.

    # tail /var/log/asterisk/full
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] VERBOSE[23290] manager.c: == Manager registered action M
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] VERBOSE[23290] manager.c: == Manager registered action A
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] VERBOSE[23290] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manag
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] VERBOSE[23290] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manag d
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] VERBOSE[23290] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manag
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] WARNING[23290] manager.c: Invalid writetimeout value '' at
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] VERBOSE[23290] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.c
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] NOTICE[23290] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled.
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] VERBOSE[23290] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel.c
    [2013-06-28 16:56:16] ERROR[23290] config.c: The file '

  2. 12 years ago
    Fri May 18 20:19:53 2012
    robya started the conversation FreePBX 2.10.

    Did an update on my server to FreePBX 2.10 and also updated to asterisk after the update I am not getting the status updates from the extensions, trucks or conference rooms.
    At this point I would like to move my license from one server to this server since I will be phasing out one server and going to the warm spare dual server mode.

  3. Tue Dec 6 21:27:45 2011
    robya posted in Ring groups and Paging.

    FOP2 Admin 1.2.8
    FOP2 2.20

    I did create button group for Paging so they are together, they are still on the left side in the list of extensions.
    the Ring Groups do not show in the button config screen even though the header is there.

  4. 13 years ago
    Wed Nov 30 19:07:03 2011
    robya started the conversation Ring groups and Paging.

    can the "Ring Groups" and "Paging and Intercom" be moved to the right side and formatted like Conferences and Queues

  5. Wed Apr 27 13:49:56 2011
    robya started the conversation Display name is truncated.

    The display name on the extension buttons for several lines show only the first name. In FreePBX 2.9 under the extension the full name is there “First Last”. Also in FreePBX in the FOP2 Buttons module the full name is shown. How can I get the full name back on the FOP2?

  6. Tue Apr 5 19:56:31 2011
    robya posted in Hide offline extensions.

    In my multi server environment the operator.css is on the main server. I have edited that file to say
    .notregistered {

    • khtml-opacity: 0.5;
    • moz-opacity:0.5;

    The offline extensions on the main server are not shown but the offline extension on the other servers are still shown. How can I have all offline extensions, no mater what server be hidden?

  7. Tue Apr 5 14:03:25 2011
    robya started the conversation Missing call events in FOP2 running FreePBX 2.9.

    Recently updated to FreePBX 2.9.0rc1.1 and have noticed that in FOP2 all the extension and trunk button no longer show the phones status. Meaning when the extension is on the phone the button does not indicate that our show who they are talking to.