We are rolling out the new FOP2 release, there are a ton of new features, and as such a lot of more translation work to be done. We have contributions from users around the globe for getting the included translation files, but I personally would like to centralize the work here in the forums and let the community help us with the translation.
I will post the english translation file below, all translations for the main fop2 application will be centralized in the lang_xx.js file (we will not use any more the language file in the server side).
We have translated the missing entries for several languages, but mostly using google translate :roll:
Any help will be greatly appreciated and credited in fop2 lang files! I know that some strings will need to be in context to know the correct translation, but hopefully you will be able to find that out:
var lang = new Object(); lang['incoming_call'] = 'Incoming call'; lang['connecting_server'] = 'Connecting to server, attempt number '; lang['from_queue'] = "From queue:"; lang['number'] = "Number:"; lang['name'] = "Name:"; lang['dial'] = 'Dial'; lang['transfer_vmail'] = 'Transfer to Mailbox'; lang['attendant_transfer'] = 'Transfer'; lang['spy'] = 'Listen'; lang['whisper'] = 'Listen and Whisper'; lang['pickup'] = "Call pickup"; lang['hangup'] = 'Hangup'; lang['filter'] = 'Filter'; lang['enter_sec_code'] = 'Login details'; lang['exten'] = 'Extension:'; lang['password'] = 'Password:'; lang['confirm_hangup'] = 'Confirm Hangup'; lang['areyousure'] = 'Are you sure?'; lang['yes'] = 'Yes'; lang['no'] = 'No'; lang['paused'] = 'Paused'; lang['set_information'] = 'Set Information'; lang['member_of'] = 'Member of '; lang['not_available'] = 'System is not available right now'; lang['not_connect'] = 'Could not connect to server'; lang['one_moment'] = 'One moment please'; lang['no_results'] = 'No results were found'; lang['toggle_lock'] = 'Lock/Unlock Conference'; lang['toggle_muteall'] = 'Mute/Unmute all users'; lang['available'] = 'Available'; lang['phonebook'] = 'Phonebook'; lang['toggle_mute'] = 'Toggle mute'; lang['kick'] = 'Kick user'; lang['record'] = 'Record call'; lang['presence_noti'] = 'Presence Notification'; lang['queues'] = 'Queues'; lang['extensions'] = 'Extensions'; lang['trunks'] = 'Trunks'; lang['conferences'] = 'Conferences'; lang['other'] = 'Other'; lang['enter_state'] = 'Enter Value'; lang['parkingslots'] = 'Park Slots'; lang['enter_reg_code'] = 'Enter Registration Code:'; lang['reg_code'] = 'Registration Code:'; lang['reg_name'] = 'Registration Name:'; lang['remove_member'] = 'Remove Member'; lang['remove_member_from'] = 'Remove from '; lang['pause_member'] = 'Pause Member'; lang['unpause_member'] = 'Unpause Member'; lang['add_member'] = 'Add to '; lang['pickup_call'] = 'Pickup Call'; lang['email_user'] = 'Send email'; lang['chat'] = 'Chat'; lang['notlogged'] = 'User not logged in. Saving note.'; lang['me'] = 'Me'; lang['clearchat'] = 'Clear Chat Window'; lang['note'] = 'Note'; lang['toggle_sound'] = 'Toggle Sound'; lang['says'] = 'says'; lang['agents'] = 'Agents:'; lang['calls'] = 'Waiting Calls:'; lang['call_connected'] = 'Talking to'; lang['changeDisplayType'] = 'Change display type'; lang['voicemail'] = 'Voicemail'; lang['vmail_new'] = 'New'; lang['vmail_old'] = 'Old'; lang['vmail_work'] = 'Work'; lang['vmail_family'] = 'Family'; lang['vmail_friends'] = 'Friends'; lang['vmail_number'] = 'No.'; lang['vmail_date'] = 'Date'; lang['vmail_callerid'] = 'CallerID'; lang['vmail_duration'] = 'Duration'; lang['preferences'] = 'Preferences'; lang['summary'] = 'Summary'; lang['detailed'] = 'Detailed'; lang['inactive_line'] = 'Line %d inactive'; lang['inuse'] = '%d lines in use'; lang['vmail_count'] = 'New %d, Old %d'; lang['logout'] = 'Logout' lang['prefSounds'] = 'Sounds'; lang['prefDisplay'] = 'Display'; lang['labelSoundChat'] = 'Chat Sounds'; lang['labelSoundQueue'] = 'Queue Sounds'; lang['labelSoundRing'] = 'Ring Sounds'; lang['labelDisplayQueue'] = 'Default Queue View:'; lang['labelDisplayDynamicLine'] = 'Dynamic Line Display:'; lang['labelDisplayNotifyDuration'] = 'Notify Duration:'; // Internationalization strings DATE dateFormat.i18n = { dayNames: [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ], monthNames: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] };